[what came before?] [Session 12] [Session 13] [Session 14] [Session 15] [Session 16] Session 11 (cont.)The 1st day of Richfest, 591CYThe Stone ToothAfter traveling several weeks from Dyvers, the Dragons of Light finally reached Blasingdell. Quick questioning of the local guard captain and an aged trapper caused them to be quite sure that Khundrukar, the lost delve of Durgeddin the Black, lay several days to the north of town, through rugged and rough terrain. The heroes left their wagon behind, loaded their donkeys and mules with supplies, and headed north. 3 days later they arrived before a large, weathered mountain. The fang-shaped outcropping of rock clearly marking it as The Stone Tooth...their goal. Looking across the valley towards the Stone Tooth, from their vantage point atop a neighboring hill, the heroes noticed smoke rising from an unseen point upon the old-mountain. They also made out a once-hidden path, now exposed by erosion, winding its way up the mountainside. With only 2 hours left before sundown, the heroes descended to the base of the Stone Tooth and set up a relatively sheltered and defendable base camp, planning to scout the area the next morning. [TOP] Session 12The 2nd day of Richfest, 591CYThe Stone Tooth (cont.)The next morning, Kentir was sent to scout the mountain and search for entrances other than the front door. He first snuck quietly up the trail, and was able to observe the orc guards before the main entrance without being seen. Circling around and above them, he explored the summit of the mountain and after several hours of searching was able to find the smoke-shaft for a cook fire below. Determining that entry through a chimney meant burnt feet or worse, he continued onward looking for other alternate entrances. Ascending once more to the summit of the peek for a good view of the surroundings, he spied a lake on the far side of the mountain. Reasoning that a lake was a good place for a rear entrance, he descended toward the lake and made a short exploratory circuit around it. The day was getting late, and he was having little luck. He continued his circuit around the base of the mountain as the sky grew dark prematurely...a storm was rolling in. The final few hours of his circuit, before he made it back to camp, were spent in stealthy searching broken by intermittent bouts of playing in puddles. Kentir arrived back in camp an hour or so after sundown, having found little of note, and very hungry. The 2nd day of Richfest, 591CYThe Mountain DoorDaesha got Kentir's report between mouthfuls of
food, as the hungry young man devoured what was left of the camp's evening
meal. Soliciting Hurrying to catch up to the dwarves, the remainder of the party briefly tried explaining to them that no plan had yet been decided. "You said we attack now...we attack now" Magdor replied, as he and Aust continued up the trail. With a shrug, Daesha had the remainder of the party take positions a distance to the rear of the two dwarves, and all of them continued their stealthy advance up the trail in the darkness and rain of that night. As the dwarves came near to the orc guards stationed at the cavern entrance, one of the orc noticed the light source of the quietly advancing party, and disappeared out of view into the cavern. The other orc guard cautiously watched down the train, in the direction of the slowly advancing light. Then, with a start of surprise, he saw the two dwarves, not more than 30 feet away from him and advancing stealthily ahead of their lit friends. With a cry of rage, Aust threw himself forward upon the orc, followed quickly by Magdor. After exchanging a quick flurry of blows with the orc, Aust too disappeared into the cavern entrance, leaving the lone orc guard to his comrade. As Aust ran into the cavern, after the orc he had seen head that way just moments before, Magdor engaged the other guard, while the other Dragons of Light hurried up the path to aid their dwarven friends. Exchanging blows with the orc, Magdor received a biting wound which dug deep through his armor and into his leg. "Good blow!" he heard Aust cry form within the cavern to his right...clearly Aust thought the sound of shattering armor and rending flesh was that of Magdor's axe into the orc...not the other way around. Magdor, incensed over having the orc land the first good blow in his battle, swallowed away the desire to pass out from the excruciating pain in his leg and brought his axe up in an overhand arc, cleaving the orc from head to waist in a truly heroic blow. As the remainder of his companions arrived at the entrance to the cavern, Magdor bent low to deprive the slain orc of its ears. Meanwhile, Aust deftly ducked and dodged the orcish arrows fired at him from the arrow slits lining the cavern walls along the cavern entrance to Khundrukar. Ahead he saw the great stone door, the Mountain Door, leading into the old delve of Durgeddin the black. Hearing his companions now following behind him, Aust charged up the stairs and through the door, just in time to prevent the orcs from closing it. The room beyond the door consisted of a small ledge over a vast and deep pit, with a precarious looking rope bridge spanning the distance to the far side where the main complex lay. As Aust engaged the orc who was trying to close the door, several orcs on the other side took up positions to provide cover fire for others who went to work cutting the ropes of the bridge! The bridge was cut, just as Aust dispatched the orc guard. As his companions one-by-one came through the door behind him (finally catching up), the orcs across the crevasse began to let missiles fly at the heroes. Not to be swayed by a mere 25' wide, bottomless bit, Aust pulled rope and grappling hook from his pack and let fly. Catching upon the supports that had been used for the bridge, Aust wrapped the excess rope about himself and jumped from the ledge. "I'm coming to get ye!," he cried as he swung out and hit the side of the pit across from him 25 feet below the lip. Meanwhile, Tara arrived through the door. Seeing her companions being peppered by arrows from foes they could not reach, she called for a cloaking mist to obscure them, much to the annoyance of the rest of the heroes. As Aust struggled to climb the rope without being sent plummeting by his orcish foes, Magdor descended the dangling remnants of the rope bridge still hanging from the heroes' side of the pit. After descending 20+ feet, he hung waiting for Aust to get up and toss him the other rope. The remainder of the heroes, hearing Aust get up and engage the orcs, shot blind missile fire out of the mist which hid them, hoping to get lucky and hit an orc or two, as Tara repeatedly apologized for the poor timing of her obscuring mist spell. As Aust was swarmed by orcs, he did his best to battle them and unwrap the rope about him so that he could throw it to his friend. But this was not to be so easy. Already outnumbered four-to-one, Aust soon found the orcs surrounding him reinforced by another company of their fellows, doubling their numbers. Blow after blow landed upon him, and although he took a few orcs down himself, he found himself quickly weakening. Finally tossing the rope to his friend, Magdor, Aust went into a berserk rage. Ignoring the pain and blood loss which nearly overwhelmed him, he began to rain mighty blows upon the orcs. As Magdor caught the other rope and began to use the two ropes, one hanging from each side, to pull himself up and over, Daesha gave another rope and grappling hook to Legacy. Though throwing blind, Legacy managed to line himself up well, and scored a perfect grapple on the far side of the crevasse. Surely Pelor guided his aim! Scrambling across the rope like a monkey, Legacy lept over Aust, tumbled past the orcs surrounding him, and spun about to engage. As Aust and Legacy battled on, Daesha began to make her way across the rope as well. Orcs turned to face these new threats, relieving the great pressure on poor Aust, who fought with the last of his reserves. With most of the skilled combatants now across the ledge, it was short work to dispatch the orcs and take a breather. The Great UlffeAfter taking time to remove the orc's ears and check them for coin, the heroes dumped the orc bodies over the edge, and took a moment to breath (as well as receive healing from Tara). Once ready to move on, they continued down the corridor and came upon a large natural cavern, apparantly worked by the dwarves in times past to bring out its natural beauty. The cavern now served as a storage room, with crates, sacks and barrels of goods from caravan's raided by the orcs stacked high and wide. In the center of the room, flanked by his large wolves, stood a hulking, brute of a humanoid, fully 20 hands high, with forearms as large around as a man's torso. "Who dares enter the stronghold of the Great Ulffe!" shouted the massive ogre, as the party entered the room. Being ever the wise dwarf, Aust chose that moment to make rude comments regarding the ogre's heritage, and the battle ensued. The heroes found themselves facing the ogre, his two wolf pets, and 4 orc archers. But either Norebo was with them, or Ralishaz favored their foes, for it took little more than a minute for the heroes to lay low their opponents. After taking more orc ears (and a pair of ogre ears as well), the party scouted about the immediate area. Finding a kitchen with stew pot boiling, and many more foodstuffs, they stopped to eat. As it was already getting late within the night when they chose to assault the mountain door, and the two great battles had worn them down greatly, the heroes determined the kitchen would make a good defensible area to camp for the evening. Kentir went out and made a larger scouting circuit, just to be sure the immediate area was safe from dangers. He then placed caltrops along those corridors which led to the kitchen, and joined his friends for a night of rest. The 3rd day of Richfest, 591CYThe Mountain Door is RetakenContinuing their exploration the next day, they found most of the complex empty. Clearly they had defeated most of the inhabitants in the two battles the day before. Going from room to room, they found massive quantities of stolen caravan goods, as well as the personal stashes of many of the orcs, but no inhabitants. After searching all of the complex and finding nothing more, they returned to a curious dead-end passage which Kentir was sure hid a secret door. And he was right! Beyond this door they found the orc shaman, 2 personal guards, and the shaman's acolytes. The shaman left no time for negotiation and immediately began to cast spells upon Aust and Kentir, while her henchman closed to attack. As the party began to make short work of the front-line orcs, the shaman's fear spell took hold upon Aust, sending him fleeing from the battle. But this was to no avail, for the remainder of the heroes quickly dispatched the acolytes and guards, and then cut down the shaman. As they took more orc ears and searched about the room, they heard the sound of something large and heavy being rolled down the corridor towards them. Taking positions for possible attack from the rear, they were relieved to see it was only Aust, now recovered from his fear, rolling a large keg of beer to celebrate the victory. Out of the frying pan...Beyond the shaman's room, the found a great dwarven hall, the stone walls and doors worked in wondrous relief showing dwarves at work and at play. In the center of the hall was a deep, natural crevasse, which the dwarves had worked into ramp and stair, providing decent to whatever lay below. Ignoring the decent for the time being, the heroes determined they should first make sure that this level was secure. As Magdor investigated the large double doors on the far end of the room, the remaining heroes found themselves providing lunch for a flock of stirges which flew up from below...but the stirges where little more than a minor nuisance and were quickly dispatched.
As he opened the door, ports in the walls to both sides opened, streaming out gouts of flame which engulfed him. Leaping quickly through the doors, Magdor found himself aflame and in a small room, containing nothing but large kegs with tubes running into the walls...the room was nothing but the heart of the trap which had lit him on fire. No matter, he dropped to the ground and rolled about to extinguish himself. No other doors or passages remained to explore, and decent became the party's only option. But they were tired, and the day was growing long. They determined to head out of complex, and besides, they had not yet found the access to the archery slits which had plagued them on their initial assault...so search for a secret door at the entrance was a good idea. Tomorrow was to be a Holy Day of Pelor, and Tara was quite determined to observe it rather than scavange about in a rat-hole, so the party headed back towards the entrance. Old YarrickThey did indeed find secret doors leading to the overlooking arrow slits, and in one they discovered a hiding orc. The orc gave them the name Yarrick, and agreed to tell the party that which he knew in exchange for the promise that they would not harm him. As the party considered this offer, Aust and Magdor entered the room and Magdor threw himself at the orc as Daesha cried out that the orc was a prisoner. "This between me and him," said the orc, "I win, we still talk if you no help him." Considering stopping the battle in the first place for a moment, Daesha shrugged and gave everyone the signal to stay out of it. Aust, though not inclined to follow such an order, still sat in a state of shocked confusion over the words orc and prisoner being used to describe the same being. Yarrick made quick work of Magdor, and as Magdor dropped to his knees he pleaded with the dwarf to yield. Magdor was having none of that, however, and made one final desperate swing of his axe before passing out entirely. Fortunately, he missed, and old Yarrick was wounded but still breathing. While Legacy tended to Magdor's wounds, Tara helped the orc who had shown a sense of some honor. And then the talking began. Yarrick had nothing new to tell the heroes about the orc level of Khundrukar, other than to confirm that they had indeed slain all the orcs within except him. Gamble asked Yarrick to accompany them below, to show them what was dangerous and what was safe, but old Yarrick declined, saying he did not know nor desire to go to the level below. Confiscating his weapons, Aust informed him that he had 12 hours to get far, far away or end up dead. Yarrick gave them a final warning regarding the "lizard-people" dwelling in the next level below, and gathered up a few supplies to take with him for his departure. And here the session ended. Next the party descends to the Glitterhame. Quote of the Session:Aust: (after failing his save vs. a cause fear spell) "Ack!!! Ye fergut ta guard the rear!!" [TOP] Session 13The 4th day of Richfest, 591CYMidsummer's DayAs this day is the high holy day of Pelor, Tara informed the party that she must spend the day in ceremony and prayer. Legacy, as a monk in service to Pelor, also felt he should attend the ceremony. The remaining heroes determined to make good use of the day, however. Daesha recruited the aid of a few of the mercenary guards to assist in felling a tree and putting together a make-shift bridge to cross the chasm at the entrance to the complex. Kentir, Magdor and Aust headed around to the back of the mountain to search for the tunnel which Yarrick had told them the orcs dug during their assault on the complex so many years ago. A careful search of the rear of the hill turned up a tunnel entrance, overgrown with weeds and bushes but still passable. Quick scrutiny of the ground revealed numerous large bird-like or reptilian tracks, as well as the tracks of what appeared to be a large dog or bear. The three moved down the tunnel to investigate, only to realize that Kentir, who did not have darkvision like Aust and Magdor, was not able to see after about 100 feet or so. As none of them had brought torches or the like, the dwarves sent Kentir back to base camp to procure a light source, while they continued along the tunnel. Shortly the two dwarves found themselves at the point where the excavation tunnel broke into a large natural cavern. To the left of them they saw a tunnel across which was built a large wooden gate with a simple latch mechanism. Several other passages exited the room to their right and across the cavern. "Check out that gate," Magdor said to Aust, as he took 3 short steps away from it. Walking over to the gate, Aust worked the simple latch, and the gate swung open revealing another large natural cavern, reeking of wild animal. The large brown bear in the center of this room looked up from where it was napping and growled a challenge at Aust, who dared disturb its rest. Meanwhile, from concealment upon ledges within the previous cavern, two reptilian humanoid warriors leapt down to attack Magdor with their longspears. The musk they put off, a horrible reeking musk, turned the stomachs of Mag and Aust, making them desire to wretch. They steeled themselves, however, and engaged these threats with dwarven stoicism. The battle was hard, and wearying, and although the dwarves were victorious, Aust was felled by the great brown bear before Magdor eventually took it down with a vicious axe blow through its skull. Sighing at the inconvenience of it all, Magdor wiped blood and gore from both his and Aust's greataxes, and carried his friend back to base-camp to inform Daesha of their successful discovery of the rear entrance to the complex. The 5th day of Richfest, 591CYThe GlitterhameAfter the holy day was over, the party healed and refreshed, they continued down the crevasse which they'd discovered near the orc shaman's room. Descending the natural and worked crevasse several hundred feet, the heroes found themselves in a large natural cavern, with a fast-moving stream meandering through its center. They disturbed a group of sleeping mosquito-bats (Stirges) which the easily dispatched with little harm to themselves. Continuing through this cavern and down a side passage, they quickly found the site where the two dwarves had battled the bear and troglodytes the day before. Continued exploration led them to a vast natural cavern, upon the ceiling of which phosphorescent fungus and minerals caused a great sparkling overhead...they'd found the Glitterhame. The floor of this immense cavern was overgrown with fungus, mushrooms and other edible underground flora. Up a bluff at the western edge of the cavern, they discovered what appeared to be the intended resting place of Durgeddin's clan; row upon row of mausoleum's lined the edges of the bluff. Though only 3 appeared to have ever been used; clearly the dwarves of Durgeddin had all been slain by the orcs long before other causes of death could find them. The heroes chose to not disturb the resting place of the dwarves, and continued their exploration of the remainder of the level. An pair of dwarven skeletons was found in a small side-cavern, and despite the deadly yellow mold which covered them, the heroes were able to retrieve a waraxe bearing Durgeddin's mark and a finely crafted silver-filigreed helmet. Bravely, despite the potential danger of the yellow mold, Aust and Magdor retrieved the dwarven skeletons and placed them within the dwarven resting place in the Glitterhame. The Forge of Durgeddin
Beyond the door, the heroes heard the sounds of hammers ringing on steel! Hurriedly the dwarves advanced, and the others had no choice but to follow along behind them. Here they found the Great Hall of Durgeddin, clearly inhabited by someone or something. Soon they found out that the something was a party of gray dwarves, Duergar. Several wearying and difficult battles later, the heroes had slain many of the Duergar, and driven off the remainder. They had discovered not only the Great Hall, but a war room beyond, and the Great Forge of Durgeddin himself beside it. Many other doors and passages led off from these rooms, and they were clearly within the main living and working quarters of the dwarves who had built the place, but they were tired, and many were seriously wounded. Magdor, most pleased to have found the forge of the great master smith, suggested they camp within the forge room for a few days to rest and recuperate. Knowing that getting him to leave the forge after they had just found it would be almost impossible, the party agreed. Quote of the Session:Magdor: (as the DM draws out the area the players just entered) "Game Loading, Please wait..." [TOP] Session 14Ghostly ImagesDuring the next few days of rest, Magdor worked diligently upon the holy forge of Durgeddin. He found that the forge and anvil themselves seemed to bestow even greater skill upon him, speeding his work and making the act of smithing almost effortless. As others rested and he worked, all discussed the future of Khundrukar and what should be done with it once it was cleared of the foul creatures who had come to make it their home. All agreed, dwarves of Valaduum, the clan home of Magdor and Aust, should be given the opportunity to resettle the mighty halls of Durgeddin. Also during those days, another orc patrol returned from a caravan raid. Among these orcs was a skilled and mighty orc champion, a skilled opponent indeed. As the orcs entered the mountain door and began to slaughter the parties mercenary guards, a young half-elf named Imory, who had been one of the forward scouts of the last caravan raided, fell upon the orcs from behind. Though 2 of the guardsmen were slain, the remaining two were most thankful that Imory had trailed the orcs back to their former lair, or they surely would not have survived the assault. Imory joined with the Dragons of Light when a handful of them returned to the upper levels for supplies. On the first night of rest within the foundry, Aust and Magdor saw the ghostly image of a dwarf working at his forge, who suddenly ran at the sight of unknown assailants, jumping down the cliff of the nearby sinkhole. Investigating below, Aust, Magdor and Kentir recovered what they thought were the bones of the long dead dwarf whose ghost they'd seen, and then had a little fun with the others who'd remained above. 6th & 7th days of Richfest, 591 CYThe Halls of KhundrukarAfter resting long enough to recover their strength, the heroes set out to continue exploring the current level of Durgeddin's stronghold. The first unexplored room they entered had the appearance of once being a holy shrine to the dwarven gods, and atop the altar rested the skeletal remains of a dwarf clad in finely crafted half-plate armor. But the dwarf remains were not the only thing within the deathly cold room; the remains of orcs and ogres scattered about the floor rose to challenge the party, skeletal guardians of the defiled dwarven temple. And one orc corpse, leathery flesh still clinging to its bones beneath the half-plate it wore, screamed its challenge to the party, its smoldering eyes blazing in hatred of all life. The battle was frightening, and the icy touch of the fiery-eyed orc corpse seemed to steal the very life from Aust, but in the ends the heroes were victorious, as Tara called upon the powers of Pelor to remove the undead from the world of the living. As Aust and Magdor collected the remains of the dwarf from atop the altar, on order to take them to rest in the Tomb within the Glitterhame, the ghostly image of he who could be none other than Durgeddin himself formed in front of them. "Thank you for releasing me, by slaying the guardian who bound me here, my brothers," he said, "beware, for their are traitors among you...beware..." his voice drifted off as he ascended from the world of the living. After putting the old smith to rest, the heroes continued with their exploration of the living quarters within Khundrukar. The furnishings of the place seemed resolved to eliminate them, as did the many animated remains of orcs and the mad, raving ghost of a long dead dwarf. The many and varied forms of opposition served to weaken and befuddle the heroes, greatly slowing their progress, and after 2 days of exploration, many doors still remained to be opened... Quote of the Session:"Well, when you're done with your moment, we've found a secret
door" [TOP] Session 15Reaping 1st, 591 CYInto the Dragon's LairThat evening as the heroes slept, two of the gray dwarves which had fled them many days earlier came to their encampment, palms raised to show they had no hostile intent. The dwarves introduced themselves as a smith and apprentice, and explained that they had no quarrel with the heroes, and merely desired to go home; explaining that only 3 of them had survived the parties initial assault, and one, a mad mage, had gotten himself killed when attempting to 'negotiate' with a dragon who lived below. The went on to explain that the tunnels which they had dug to get to Khundrukar had been caved in by the dragon, who had melted the supports and ceiling of the tunnels and collapsed them. Without their tools and with their warriors all dead, these two dwarves had no way home. After making them swear upon the forge of Durgeddin that they would bring no harm to the heroes, and would not tell their people of the whereabouts of Khundrukar upon returning home, the party agreed to help them by vanquishing the dragon. The next morning, the heroes ate their breakfast and discussed the deal made with the gray dwarves in the night before. After giving Magdor time to finish preparing the fine masterwork rapier he had crafted for Kentir, the heroes asked the Duergar to lead on, and show them the route to the dragon's abode. With Imory staying above to watch the dwarves, the rest of the heroes descended the chain ladder some 100 feet to a natural cavern below. There they found a fast moving stream which emptied from a vast underground pool. A finely crafted and ornate stone bridge crossed the stream from the side on which they stood. On the far side of the bridge was a narrow walkway along the side of the pool, whose far side was lost in the darkness beyond. Hefting his axe, Aust led the way across the bridge. As he reached the center, he realized his error! The bridge was pocked and pitted, as if it had been soaked in strong acid. The arches of the bridge collapsed. Though Aust was able to quickly catch the edge of what of the bridge did not fall in, Magdor behind him went tumbling into the water, stone and wood of the bridge tumbling down upon him. As Aust began to pull himself up, he was covered in a spray of water as a dark shape burst above the pools surface beside the bridge, its ebony scales glistening in the light from Tara's Lantern. As the rest of the heroes gasped in surprise, the black creature afixed its serpentine eyes on Aust, dangling from the bridge. With a scream of rage, its maw opened wide and a stream of corrosive acid spewed forth burning Aust where it met his flesh.
While Magdor was pulled from the water, the heroes worked to put a rope across the bridge. As it was secured on both sides and gamble crossed, the black dragon again rose before them, rapidly snapping the rope in two. Fortunately Gamble was able to get across before the rope was snapped in twain. Daesha, in a moment of heroic bravery, gripped her sword tightly and ran toward the dragon and leapt out to land upon it. Unfortunately, her jump was short, and she landed in the water which quickly swept her downstream. Some of the heroes again scrambled to pull one of their own from the water, as Magdor ran and leapt the broken span of the bridge, landing nimbly on the far side. The dragon continued to harry the heroes with its breath of acid, as the heroes tried again and again to join Aust on the far side of the bridge. Gamble was felled by the beast as Aust ran back into a small, sheltered niche to escape the Dragon's onslaught. Magdor, close behind, threw Gamble's still form over his shoulder as he joined Aust in the nook. As Daesha tried and failed several times to leap the bridge, keeping her companions busy fishing her out of the water, the Dragon shouted into the niche where the two dwarves gave aid to the sorely wounded sorcerer. After many failures and much effort, the other heroes began to successfully leap across the bridge, hearing the shouts of their dwarven comrades ahead reassuring them that their companions, whom they had thought lost while they played in the stream, where still alive. The dragon continued to harry the heroes, coming out of the water to breath its acid or assault one and then another of the heroes lined up upon the narrow pathway, only to disappear beneath the black surface of the water before the party could properly counter attack. Potion and spell of healing, one after the other, were used to keep the heroes alive as Kentir, Gamble, Aust, and Magdor all took grievous wound after grievous wound. In an act of desperation, Aust ran along the narrow path, as he spied an islet in the center of the pool. Getting himself closer to the islet, he spied what appeared to be the dragon's hoard. Dropping his pack to reduce his load, Aust dove into the water to make his way to the islet, hoping that a threat to the dragon's hoard would be enough to get it to make a full out assault upon the party. Only in this way would the party stand a chance in defeating the beast. As he dove in, he found the Dragon was waiting for him, and it fell upon him, rending with tooth and claw, sending him into unconsciousness. Magdor and Daesha, near at hand, waded out to save their dieing friend. Pulling his body from the water, they found the dragon was not there anymore. At the rear of the party, along the path, Kentir spied a dark shape moving swiftly through the water in his direction. The Dragon rose up out of the water behind the heroes upon the ledge, and fell upon Kentir as he fired his bow, point blank, at the beast. The other heroes ran back to his aid. With breath of acid, and volleys of attacks from its sharp talons and teeth, the dragon felled one after the other of the heroes, who found the narrow ledge and rapidly sloping shoreline precarious positions from which to battle. Their companions falling around them, the heroes who remained standing continued to rain blow after blow upon the scaly hide of the dragon, taking heart in the fact that each of their fallen friends had managed to rend wounds within the dragons flesh, which dripped caustic, black blood at the dragon's feet. Two of the last to remain standing, Daesha and Legacy finished off the beat with a combined flurry of blows, and its lifeless body fell to the ground with a thud. Taking stock of their fallen friends, all were relieved to discover that none had died, though many had been wounded. Distributing healing upon those most in need, Tara then walked back to the niche, and flopped to the ground to rest. The battle had been hard fought, and much of their resources and strength had been drained, but the heroes were victorious. After taking the time to lug the dragon's hoard of gold, silver and gems to their impromptu camp in the forge room, the heroes prepared to spend several days in rest and healing, recovering from the difficult fight. Meanwhile, the Gray dwarves thanked them profusely, and began to ready themselves for the work of digging their tunnel back open to return home. In a flash of uncharacteristic inspiration, Aust shouted to them as the descended to begin their work "Wait! We know another way to the underdark!" Climbing back up, the dark dwarves showed interest in this alternate, 'open' route home. The heroes explained of the kobolds and the Sunless Citadel, and the open route which lay within. Agreeing that this would be a wiser and much easier route, the gray dwarves agreed to perform smithing services to the heroes for as long as they remained in Khundrukar, in exchange for escort to the Sunless Citadel. And then the heroes rested. Reaping 4th, 591 CYThings are not always as they seemAfter several days of rest, the heroes prepped themselves, and continued their exploration of the Halls of Khundrukar. They found many more rooms, unoccupied and filled with destroyed furniture and orcish graffiti. Then, in one room Dazzled by her beauty, and feeling sorrow for her plight, Kentir exclaimed, "You have my permission." The woman's eyes lit up with joy, as she leapt to her feet and danced toward Kentir at the door. "My thanks, good sir." With this, she bent low and kissed Kentir softly. As she walked through the door, she turned to face the heroes and her eyes blazed with red flame, "Things are not always as they seem." She then took a step forward, and vanished from site with a loud popping noise. "What in the name of Kord was that!" exclaimed Daesha in shock and surprise, shared by most of her companions. "Twas jus' an illusion, blast ye," Aust replied as he continued poking about the room, "Now come 'ere and 'elp me check this door boy." The heroes finished exploring the rooms of the Hall level, finding naught else but ruins and wreckage, and another pair of dwarven skeletons. After putting the dwarves to rest, they then went on to finish exploring the level of the Glitterhame. Reaping 4th, 591 CYBeware the puddles of Doom!Brief exploration of the caverns beyond the Glitterhame led the heroes to a steep and long staircase down. After descending the 350 or so steps, they came upon another cavern in which a large pool was fed by a waterfall streaming down from the level above. To their left, several bloated wooden doors led into an area made of dressed stone rooms. Within, they found ruined stores and supplies, long since gone to rot and decay due to time and moisture. As Aust walked through one such store-room, puddles upon the form rippled, gaining liquid mass, and extended pseudopods out to attack him. "Ack! the Puddles are attackin'" He shouted as he rang back toward the rest of the party which was investigating a room nearby. As Aust backed away, and the others eyed the slowly advancing pools of gray liquid suspiciously, Magdor stepped forward and cleaved at one with his axe. As his axe slid easily into the watery surface, he watched in horror as smoke arose from the blade, and it melted before his eyes, leaving him holding a much shorter haft, its tip still smoking where it had met the surface of the amorphous liquid. Throwing his stick at it, Magdor too backed away, eyes wide, not knowing how to battle the strange animated pool. As Daesha began to fire arrows at it, which melted on impact. Legacy began pelting it with missiles from his sling. The other heroes continued to back away. Then it was that Kentir noticed, though it melted wood and metal on contact, the stone floor beneath it was unharmed. Looking about, Kentir spied many loose stones upon the cavern floor, kicked up and deposited from years of the water fall tumbling into the room. He began to pelt the pools with rocks, and was satisfied to see one cease its movement and spread out on the floor lifelessly. But, in his eagerness, he did not back off as quickly as he should have, and the remaining ooze closed with him, and engulfed him. As his flesh burnt where it touched him, his clothing and some of his gear melted in its acidic embrace. His fellow party members continued pelting it with rocks, to get it off their young friend. And though he was frightened, and his friends missiles also were bruising him, Kentir stood his ground, quivering, and let them rain rocks upon the foul thing which coiled about him. It was slain, and a wounded, and sore Kentir jumped into the pool nearby with his remaining gear, to wash off the acid residue, and thankfully accepted a robe from Legacy to cover himself. They continued along, finding some flooded store-rooms, and another dwarven skeleton which was put to rest, leaving only one vacant tomb within the Glitterhame. Hunger of the Earth GodDown a side passage, along yet another stream flowing through the caverns, a
great and odd-looking stalagmite suddenly sprang to life, As it pulled Magdor, Daesha and Aust up to its side of the river, several of the heroes pleaded for their lives. "Please, oh great god of the earth! Do not eat me, I am stringy and tough!" Aust begged of this creature of stone. Noticing the beast hesitate, Kentir ceased firing upon it with his bow, as Gamble and Daesha promised it any food it desired if it would only spare those it had captured. "Hmmm....I would much like a sheep!" the beast roared. As the heroes explained that a sheep would take much time to be delivered, Aust offered it up salted beef from his pack, and offered it a nice fresh mule as a meal. As it enjoyed the small snack of salted beef, the great tentacle-stalagmite agreed to take a mule now, and a sheep later, in exchange for sparing their lives. It agreed only on the condition that Aust, Magdor and Daesha, already on its side of the stream and greatly weakened, stay with it until the others returned with its meal. Aust, swearing no the Beard of the Father, vowed that they would deliver the food and all would be well, as he knelt before the god of earth. As Daesha, Magdor and Aust settled in for the wait, the others began the trek back to the surface to fetch a mule. Quote of the Session:"If you miss again I'm going to put a buoy on you and use you as Dragon Bait!" (Tara to Daesha after the umpteenth miss jumping the bridge.)Session 16The End of the tale of Khundrukar, as told by Magdor: Magdor’s Journal
I aint sure
zackly how to go bout telling this story but I taught that I should tell folks
how I had pleased the earth god and how I came to have dis cod piece and how I
got my arm plates. Bar and I
had been held prisner by the earth god and his long arms he has eight of em you
know. Anyway he let the
Lady go so she would catch him a sheep.
Se he had been eating fish for bout 60 years and he was hankerin sumtin
new fer his dinner.
She left and Bar and me began to tell the earth god some tales of our
adventures. I
told him about Bar getting almost killed by the dog and Bar told him bout the
time I got all my hair burned off.
We also told him the story of Valadunn and the terrible things that
happened there.
The earth god said he would let us go but we decided to stay with him
till the others fetched back a mule for him to eat.
He had agreed to watch things down here for us and we agreed to feed him
sometimes and tell him some stories. After the
others got down with the mule then the lady showed up with the sheep we told
everyone how good the earth god was and that he let us go but we decided to stay
a little longer with him.
Fore we slept for the night I told the earth god that Gamble had a
chicken and it would probly be good fer breakfast.
The next thing I know it was morning and the earth god had snatched that
funny looking chicken and almost ate it for Ken gave it a wabbit and I tossed
the chicken back to Gamble. We spolred
the rest of the caves and caverns and found the place were the lizard men had
been living but we scared em off long ago.
They didn’t want any part of us killers. We were all
in need of some rest and healing and we all begin to set about doing different
things. Bar
was setting on his throne, Im not so sure its HIS throne but if it makes him
feel good then what the heck.
The lady
begin to de-bone the dragon.
She said she needed the bones for sumin.
She also went and killed me a ram which I will get to in a little while.
Gamble which I must say I never liked him too much cuz he talkes to his
chicken and he uses magic well he cleaned all of those damn Orc writings off the
wall. He
cleaned up all of it.
I mean the place was spotless and I told him I would never try to eat his
chicken again because he brought great honor to the delve by cleaning all of
those smelly ors things off the walls.
He is ok by me.
Tara was out mending the furniture.
Fixing all of the broken stuff.
Those damn Orcs just busted everything. Me I was
working the forge.
I had sharpened my ax and the new bastard sword that I had and then I got
the idea. I
could use some of the dragon scales and fashion some protective stuff out of em.
I worked for hours and about a week and I now have a cod piece and some
arm protectors
made of black dragon scales.
It is the finest cod piece and arm protectors I have ever seen.
I think the must be masterwork from the amount of time I spent on em.
The ram the Lady killed fer me I just chopped off the horns, they was all
I wanted and I put em on my beautiful helmet I found and now I look good.
Bar said I would look really good when my beard grows and I got mad at
him but I think hes right. One time when we
were in the lower levels clearing out all the bad stuff I didn’t want to get
wet no more, I had fell in the stupid river once then again and Tara saved my
arse by pulling me out of the water then I didn’t want to get wet no more and
Bar was making fun of me and he swims like a human.
I told him he swims like a human he got all naked and jumped right in the
lake. I
cant get in water like that, next thing we all know Bar will be bathing.
Tara asked her god to let me walk on the water like she does and I could
do it. I
was walking on the water all over the place.
I had to have a poke at ole Bar cuz I could walk on water and he was
swimming like a human. It was pretty funny. We left to
head back to Dyvers to get some more dwarfs to come protect the Delve and we ran
into Bam Bam and one of his friends and they went to live in the delve till we
get some more clan mates to move in.
Bam Bam and his friend will protect the place till we get more folks in
there. Well that
was about all of this part of the adventure cept for having to sell all of my
Orc ears that I had collected but the lady who bought em all gave me back half
of the ears after she cut em in half.
I thought it was nice of her to give me at least half of all the ears
back so I would still have my nice necklace.
Well that’s
about all for this tale.
I will tell more stories soon I hope. Quote of the Session:Tara to Magdor: (as Magdor gave her the ring from the Roper) "Does this mean we're engaged?" [TOP] |
Much of the background music on the pages of this site was composed by Bjorn Lynne. View
other copyrights and credits for the Stormkeep domain. |