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[What came before?]     [Session 17]     [Session 18]     [Session 19]

Session 17 

Reaping 21st, 591CY

Dagger in the Night

That night, whilst the party slept at the inn in Blasingdell, an assassin crept into the room shared by Daesha and Tara.  Fortunately, both slept lightly, and the others of the heroes in nearby rooms awoke quickly to the commotion.   The assassin was dispatched, and to Daesha's dismay, was quite dead, thus unquestionable.

Fortunately, Tara was able to call upon divine favour, and speak with the Dead.  The heroes learned that the assassin was sent by Salyas Vukner, dark knight of Hextor.

A quick survey of the area surrounding the inn turned up no accomplices nor any trace of clues as to the origins of the mysterious man.

The party departed Blasingdell the next day, enroute to Dyvers, deciding to be more wary when resting, even in seemingly safe inns within towns and cities.

Reaping 26th, 591 CY

Oakhurst Ablaze

After a brief visit with the citizens of Namburel, the heroes arrived in Oakhurst....or what once was Oakhurst.  They found the town in ruins, many buildings still ablaze, the bloated and decayed corpses of its residents scattered about the streets, most clearly slain by blade.  

After some investigation amongst the ruined town, they found the innkeeper was still alive, though unconscious, lieing where he'd fallen in the street. 

After some questioning, the party learned that Salyas had come to town and been unsatisfied with the answers given him in regards to the party's whereabouts.  He left town only to return with an army of orcs, which laid waste to the town's residents, looted everything that wasn't nailed down, and then burned all that remained.

Despite the lead that the orcs had on the heroes, they were determined to track them down and exact revenge.  Following the orcish trail to the east, the trail quickly went from the tracks of hundreds of orcs to no more than a few dozen.  Clearly the orcs were dispersing and scattering within the forest.

Goodmonth 3rd, 591 CY

The Sweet Taste of Revenge?

After many days of following a trail which had, for a time, become so cold as to be indistinguishable, the heroes finally caught up to the orcs whom they were following.  The orcs appeared to be headed to the coast, with the score of children they'd taken from Oakhurst, most likely to sell as slaves.

When the heroes came upon them, the orcs had made camp atop a prominent hill, just south of the edge of the Gnarley.  Had it not been raining, and visibility low, it would have been quite difficult to come upon the hill without being seen long before.  Fortunately, it was raining, and the eagle eyes of Legacy spotted the orcs atop the hill long before the orcs had any chance of spotting the approaching heroes.

With stealth, the party overtook the hill, and slaughtered the orcs, capturing the orc commander as well as several of the common orc soldiers.  Sadly, the orcs killed 2 of the children in retaliation of the heroes' assault before Aust was able to rush to their aid.

Quote of the Session:

Kentir to his orc prisoner, regarding the proximity of Aust:  "Stay still! They're attracted to motion." 

Session 18

Goodmonth 3rd, 591 CY

Daesha questioned the orc commander, and learned that Salyas Vukner headed north from Oakhurst, as well as some other minor details.  Unfortunately, the hot heads of Magdor and Gamble got out of control, and they slew the captive before Daesha could learn much of value.  Again, unfortunately, the common orc soldiers that had been captured knew little of importance.

Little else to be done, the party camped the night and then took the children on to Corustaith, where they discovered the priestess of Ehlonna had already made preparations to take in the poor orphans.  After taking care of such business as need be and insuring the children were in good hands, the heroes moved on.

Rather than continuing to Dyvers, however, Gamble convinced them to make a small out of the way stop, and look up the mad sorceress named Zentralda.  Gamble felt that she, perhaps, had some clue into the unusual nature of his magic use.  He wished to seek her out and learn what he could from her.

Goodmonth 13th, 591 CY

Lighthouse in the Forest

After hiring a guide in Shelleton, the heroes were lead through the woods to the Tower of Zentralda.  A tall, 200 foot high lighthouse made of stone, its beacon shining as brightly as the sun over the quiet forest surrounding it.

Unfortunately for them, Zentralda wasn't answering her door, and the maze and traps beyond proved quite disconcerting.  Having ascended only 2 floors, the heroes already were quite battered and beaten.

The session ended with them hoping that the living quarters of Zentralda were not too close to the top of the 200 feet of structure.

session 19

Lighthouse in the Forest (cont.)

After more struggles against the many traps and guardians within her tower, the heroes finally reached the middle floors, to find that these were Zentralda's living and business quarters.  It proved difficult to get past her assistant, who seemed quite inclined to determine the exact nature of their business before bothering the mighty archmage.  Eventually, however, they were granted an audience and Gamble was able to hold his audience with the wise women.

It was not long thereafter that Gamble put what he had learned to good use and became a Wild Mage.

Their business concluded, the heroes left for Dyvers, with many unaware that Kentir's pack contained a few items pilfered from the tower.

[What happened next as they arrived in Caltaras, enroute to Dyvers?]




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 Much of the background music on the pages of this site was composed by Bjorn Lynne.

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