Old Tales is where you find tales of the Heroes' earliest adventures, when
they were still young and learning the ways of the world. They have had
many adventures, and those you will find here are:
- The tale of their first Quest, in Brookhollow,
and the evil plot of Hextor's minions which they uncovered and foiled.
- The story of a Citadel, long buried beneath the earth, and how they
overcame the foul plans of an evil druid and his unliving tree, while
striking a bargain and forging a trade alliance between kobolds and
the town of Oakhurst.
- The story of the reclaiming of Khundrukar,
old dwarven stronghold, from the foul orc bandits and other creatures
who'd overrun it.
- A mild interlude, as they encounter some
adventure, even in their travels between adventures.