One-Eyed Mug

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Just two blocks from the old palace, off Tallowbend Road, sits one of the finest drinking establishments in the Flanaess, The One-Eyed Mug.  Favoured watering hole of dwarven town guards and adventurers alike, the fine brews offered here are famous across the lands.


Business Hours: ‘just before’ Noon to 3:00am every day. 

Business Type: Tavern, though a few rooms for those who need to ‘sleep off’ too much drink are available. Also, Banthor runs his own Brewery in the building across the back-alley.

Proprietor: Banthor Grim-Axe (male dwarf), known as One-Eye the Grim.  Wears fine black-leather eye-patch.  Polishes the bar meticulously.  Dark red  hair with streaks of gray and stone-cold gray eyes.

Employees:  6 serving girls, 2 bartenders, 2 bouncers, and a cook.  Minimum staff at any time is 3 serving girls, a barkeep and a bouncer.  Temporary staff is also hired during the busy season.  Cook is on duty from morning until about 2:00pm and then again from 4:00pm through 8:30pm.  Food is kept on and hot during the ‘off hours’ however. Banthor is very protective of ‘his girls,’ as he looks upon them as the children he never had. (even though they are full-grown).  He also employs three Brewer’s apprentices and a journeyman.

Serving Girls: Violetta, Rose, Cheri, Min, Glori, (humans) & Suanne (s’wan) (½-elf).

Bartenders: Day – Morand  Blightfist(male dwarf); Night – Dorak Brewbitter (male dwarf)

Bouncers: Day - Nuraain Arzak (male dwarf); Night – Kograk Axecrack (male ½-orc)

Cook:  Throi Syrkist (throw-ee sire-kisst) (female stout-halfling)

Location: Two blocks from the old palace, just off Tallowbend Road. 

Famous Brews: Shadowale is a dark, bitter stout; One-Eye’s Wheat is a aromatic and only slightly sweet Weiss; Wyvern Mead is a rich Honey Mead with a touch of almond; Earth Wine is a heady mead, heavily flavored with special mushrooms and is a dwarven favorite; Banthor’s Best is the ale that started it all.  These 5 are available year round, with other varieties also available on a seasonal basis.

Sampling of Seasonal Ales:

·         Spring Forward - Full of the optimism of spring, this amber beer starts with a hint of sweetness then gives way to a warming finish.  Available in from Growfest through Flocktime.

·         Temple Ruin - A dark fruity beer brewed to an ancient recipe.  Available from Richfest to Brewfest.

·         Festivial Pale – A pale ale brewed just for Brewfest every year.

·         Olde Remembrance - Amber coloured strong ale. The initial hint of sweetness leads into a long hoppy finish. Very popular during the cold winter months.  Available Ready’reat through Fireseek.

·         7 Bells - Loaded with special ingredients, this dark winter warmer has been described as ‘Mummer’s Pudding in a Glass'.  This ale isi available for the weeks surrounding Needfest each year.

Rumours and items of note:

·         Each year, on the night of the winter solstice, a mysterious, hooded stranger arrives and orders two mugs of hot-mulled cider.  One he sets on the hearth of the fire, and the other he slowly drinks while staring into the flames.  He speaks to no one other than to order the cider, and departs as strangely as he arrived once he’s finished.  Rumors speculate that he is one of the god’s made flesh, one of the Circle of Eight in disguise, or even Old Iuz himself! (see Oerth Journal 6)

·         Due to its popularity with dwarves, much of the dwarven town guard frequents only this place, causing the thieves guild some annoyance with the tavern, which sits in a nice wealthy neighborhood.  They would love nothing more than to discredit Banthor and even ruin his business entirely.

·         In winter, patrons who offer to fetch wood from the shed in back are given a free drink.

·         In winter, the comfortable padded chairs near the fire are quite popular indeed.

·        Banthor is a renowned story-teller, and it has become a Dyverse pastime to visit the One-Eyed Mug to listen to the ramblings of the old dwarf while nibbling tavern faire and sampling the finest ale in the City of Sails.


This establishment derived from the Article, The One-Eyed Mug, Oerth Journal Issue 6.

All original material on this website is © Copyright 2000, 2001, Shawn A. Chesak.

 Much of the background music on the pages of this site was composed by Bjorn Lynne.

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