The Energy of Life originates from the Sun.
This light brings strength and health, while driving off
darkness and purifying evil. Be
not afraid to challenge the forces of corruption, but just as staring
at the sun can cause blindness to the eyes, so to can relentless
attention to the destruction of negative forces blind the heart to the
true essentials of life: kindness, mercy, and compassion.
-- Master Folan Toward
The Order of the Golden Fist is a relatively new monastic order.
It was founded not more than 20 winters ago by Folan Toward, a priest of
Pelor who found the ideology of the Diverse temple too ‘soft.’
Focusing on the martial aspects which many of the Shining One’s faith
were taking up, while still maintaining the essentials of the less martial
aspects, Folan believed that only through a careful balance of these aspects,
mentally and physically, could one truly become “one with the light.”
His teachings proved very persuasive, and one cannot
argue with the results of the last 20 years.
The monks of the Golden Fist are truly a strong force to be reckoned with
when they martial against great evil. Yet,
the main daily activities of the monastery are of the gentler kind, feeding and
caring for the sick and hungry in the Old Town and educating those who come to
them with the desire to learn but that cannot afford more ‘formal’

The Order of the Golden Fist, complex map
The monastery is located just off Royal street in Old
Town, and the block which it is located on is without a doubt one of the most
peaceful and safe areas in that district, simply because of the presence of the
order and the influence it has on those residents nearby.
It should also be mentioned that the poor folk who live closest to the
monastery tend to be more educated than most within old town, as many parents
have learned that the generosity of the order is quite capable of helping their
children perhaps build a better future than they can offer.
Many parents even send one of their children to be
raised by the order, knowing that the order will better feed and cloth the child
than what they can afford. Although
the monastery does not allow parents to visit such children until they achieve
the ‘first cuff’ (the lowest level of a fully accepted monk, usually
achieved between the age 11-16), these children grow up to be capable, able, and
learned monks of the order, the parents can be proud of
their decision to give them up.
Others within the order are orphans, taken to the
monastery by those who cared for the child’s parents but without the means to
care for the child themselves. The
orphans are far better off with the Golden Fists than in any number of the
orphanages in the city.
The symbol of the Golden Fist is a stylized version
of that of the clergy of Pelor, a flaming sun with a clenched fist in the
center, all in gold. The order
wears white and yellow as colours, with white being emphasized, and the yellow
providing highlights. Only a ‘master
of the gauntlet’ may wear all yellow, as reflects his status in achieving the
final ‘cuff’ and his nearness to the Shining One Himself.
The teachings of the Order balance the
physical/martial and the mental aspects of Pelor, with training in the teachings
of Pelor, unarmed combat, armed combat, and the knowledge of healing, herbalism,
and sanitation all balanced within each day for each monk.
- The
Hall of Dusk – This large 2-story building holds the
public shrine which both locals and pilgrims can visit, and is the building
by which the public can interact with the monastery.
Those of the order with regular contact with the outside world
(purchasing agents, “the Speaker of the Golden Fists”, and recruiters)
have small offices on this level.
The second level of the Hall is a large open ‘worship area’ with the
western wall open to the outside. From
this vantage, all monks gather each evening to solemnly watch the sunset,
and renew their vows to keep vigilant watch until the sun rises once more.
- The
Commons – This large 2-story building holds Storage and
Kitchens in the western wing, living quarters in the larger eastern wing,
and a large dining hall within the central part.
Kitchen duty rotates among the monks, and even the most senior
members take their turn washing bowls, cutting vegetables, etc.
The upper level holds the rooms of the senior monks, though these are
only slightly less austere than the small cubicles of the lower monks.
- Hall
of the Fist – This 2 story building houses the athletics
and martial-training area for the order.
The first level holds several rooms for sparring, training, and
practice. The upper level holds the storage area for the monastery’s
modest supply of weapons. The
roof of this building is flat and is also well-padded; training is often
held on the roof, under the blazing light of His glory when the weather
allows. Each monk is required to spend at least 3 hours per day in training
- Hall
of Dawn – This large building is the main ‘shrine’ of
the order. The monks all gather
here each morning before sunrise. They watch through the open eastern wall
as the sun rises once more, and spend the next hour in prayer before
beginning the days’ work.
- Hall
of Vigilance – This 2-story building houses the medical
facility of the order, as well as the classrooms for education and training
in healing and herbalism, for all monks must learn these basic skills and be
ever vigilant against filth, disease, and ill-health.
Each monk is required to spend at least 2 hours of each day here.
- Hall
of Erudition – The scrolls and books of the monastery are
kept within this 2-story structure, along with desks and writing tools.
Monks often spend long hours here studying the faith, calligraphy,
and seeking oneness with the Shining One.
Each monk is required to spend at least 2 hours of each day here.
- Hall
of Reverence - This single-story building is where the monks
themselves worship when it is not sunrise or sundown.
Bowing before a golden image of the sunburst and fist, the monks seek
a measure of enlightenment each day. Each
monk is required to spend at least one hour each day here in prayer.
- Hall
of Inspiration – This single-story building is one large,
open and airy room. The purpose
is for monks to come to meditate, and seek inner peace and spirituality.
The smell of burning incense fills the air here.
Each monk must spend at least one hour here each day, in quiet
Gardens: The yard of the monastery includes several herb and
vegetable gardens, where the monks raise both edible and medicinal plants.
Each monk must spend at least one hour each day working the gardens.
Fountain: The fountain north of the Commons is a favorite
spot for many, especially newer initiates, to relax and contemplate, as
its soft gurgling is a good aid for those who may be having trouble reaching a
true meditative state in one of the Halls, where the sounds of the surrounding
city drifting in can be a distraction.
Reflection Pond: The large pool at the east end of the monastery
is filled with gold fish, and many a monk likes to sit at the bridge, reflecting
on the Shining One while watching the golden fish dart about.
Surrounding the complex is a 7 foot tall fence of wood, painted a bright and
shining yellow. Monks paint this fence tirelessly, starting the job
completely over once it has been completed. Each novice monk must spend
one hour per day painting the palisade.
pushing onward in years, Master Folan Toward still lives and heads up the Order.
His apparent age is jokingly-doubted by many young novices who have faced
him in the Hall of the Fist.
