Vigilant - Part reconnaissance expert, part border guard, party spy, and part diplomat, the vigilant is a highly trained warrior who can be confidently sent into any situation, no matter how grim the odds. Vigilants are the elite fighting forces of Highfolk, initially drawn from human rogues and rangers of the Vesve, but such is the prestige of their appointment, many other races and professions seek the honor. (From Relics & Rituals) | Requirements: BAB: +5 Alignment: Any non-evil. Feats: Endurance, Track. Diplomacy: 5 ranks Gather Information: 5 ranks Handle Animal: 5 ranks Wilderness Lore: 7 ranks Special: Vigilants must pass an initiation test and swear an oath of allegiance to Highfolk and vow to oppose the Old One and all other evils that threaten the region. |
Vigilante - Possessing a burning desire to solve crimes and punish criminals, the vigilante possesses many skills in doing just that. (From Song and Silence) |
Requirements: Alignment: any non-evil BAB: +4 Gather Information: 8 ranks Intimidate: 8 ranks Search: 8 ranks Sense Motive: 8 ranks Feat: Alertness |
Virtuoso - Exceptional performers in their chosen field, the world is truly a stage to the Virtuoso. (From Song and Silence) |
Requirements: Perform: 10 ranks Intimidate OR Diplomacy: 6 ranks Spellcasting: Able to cast 0-level arcane spells (cantrips) |
Void Disciple - Of all of the elemental forces that make up the universe, the most powerful and the most difficult to control is the one that lies between and joins the other -- the void. To those who understand the relationship of the Void to all other things, and who have the ability to perceive that relationship, distance and form become inconsequential. (from Oriental Adventures) |
Requirements: Alignment: any neutral Scry: 10 ranks Feats: Heighten Spell, Spell Penetration. Spellcasting: Able to cast 3rd-level arcane or divine spells. |
War Master - Graduates of the Furyondan College of War, the finest military school in Greyhawk. (from S&F) | Requirements: BAB: +7 Diplomacy: 5 ranks Alignment: Non-chaotic, non-evil Feats: Leadership, Martial Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Specialization. |
War Priest - Warpriests are fierce, earthy clerics who pray for peace but prepare for war. Their strong wills, powerful personalities, and devotion to their faith make them fearsome combatants. (from Defenders of the Faith) | Requirements: BAB: +5 Diplomacy: 5 ranks Sense Motive: 5 ranks Feats: Combat Casting, Leadership Spells: Access to at least one of these domains: Destruction, Protection, Strength, War, Battle Special: Ability to channel positive or negative energy. |
Wayfarer Guide - Wayfarer Guides focus on honing their skills at instantaneous magical transportation and transportation, providing their services to those willing to pay the high costs to the Wayfarer's Union. From Tome and Blood | Requirements: Knowledge (geography): 10 ranks Feats: Sanctum Spell, Skill Focus (Knowledge [Geography]) Spellcasting: Ability to cast Teleport Special: Must join the Wayfarer's Union |
Weapon Master - Weapon Masters strive to unite their weapon of choice with the body, becoming one with the weapon, to use the weapon as naturally and without thought as any other limb. (from S&F) | Requirements: BAB: +5 Intimidate: 4 ranks Proficiency: with weapon of choice Weapon: Masterwork weapon of choice (unless 'unarmed' is the weapon of choice) Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes, Expertise, Weapon Focus, Whirlwind Attack, Dex 13+ |
Mage - The Wild Mage is a master of harnessing the chaotic
powers of the universe itself. Through her studies, she can
control the chaos and wield it as a weapon. |
Requirements: Alignment: Any Chaotic Spellcasting: Ability to cast level 2 arcane spells or higher Bluff: 2 ranks Knowledge (Arcana): 4 ranks Spellcraft: 4 ranks Feats: Combat Casting, Dodge, Any 2 Metamagic feats |
Witch Hunter - Combining magical training with martial prowess, witch hunters travel the world seeking and battling spiritual forces of evil. Ghosts and other evil spirits, demons, oni, and foul practicioners of black magic are their sworn enemies, and they bring unique abilities and expertise to bear in combatting these foes. (from Oriental Adventures) |
Requirements: Alignment: any non-evil BAB: +5 Knowledge (arcana or Shadowlands): 10 ranks Feat: Track Spellcasting: Ability to cast magic circle against evil or magic circle against evil. Special: Must have been selected by another witch and trained under that mentor. |