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Lasher - This master uses the whip as if it where an extension of himself. (from S&F) | Requirements: BAB: +5 Rope Use: 2 ranks Craft (leatherworking): 2 ranks Weapon Focus: Whip Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Whip Special: Must own a whip or whip-dagger. |
LifeDrinker- Among the ranks of the undead, vampires are some of the most feared creatures. Yet even those cursed with vampirism have those that they look up to with respect...the lifedrinkers. Lifedrinkers are vampires who have been dead a very, very long time, and have honed their evil abilities to the fullest. (From Dragon #288) | This class is, for obvious reasons, not available to PCs within the campaign. |
Lightbearer - Sometimes those who are pure of heart and icons of goodness are not necessarily those most devoted to a particular religion. Sometimes, as the gnomish and halfling Lightbearers prove, and individual mortal, rather than a god and his legion of servants, is evil's greatest foe. (From Dragon #285) |
Requirements: Alignment: Any good Race: Gnome or halfling Knowledge (religion): 8 ranks Knowledge (local): 4 ranks Diplomacy: 4 ranks Feats: Alertness |
- Loremasters are spellcasters who concentrate on knowledge, valuing
lore and secrets over gold. They uncover secrets that they then
use to better themselves mentally, physically, and spiritually. |
Requirements: Spellcasting: Ability to cast at least seven different divinations, including one of 3rd level or higher. Two Knowledge Skills (Any Type): 10 ranks in EACH. Feats: Any three metamagic or item creation feats, plus Skill Focus (Knowledge [Any individual Knowledge skill]) |