Halfling Outrider - An elite champion whose task is to warn his fellows of, and protect them from, impending danger. (from S&F) Requirements:
4 ranks
6 ranks
4 ranks
Mounted Combat, Mounted Archery
Henshin Mystic -  Members of a monastic order that teaches what they consider a great mystery of the universe: that humanity if capable of transformation (Henshin) into divinity.  Their training and discipline is aimed toward ultimate perfection, not only of themselves, but of all humanity. (from Oriental Adventures) Requirements:
Alignment: lawful
Knowledge (religion): 13 ranks
Knowledge (arcana): 6 ranks
Special: Purity of body (class ability)
Hierophant - A divine spellcaster who has risen high in the service of his deity, the Hierophant has spells and abilities of which the lesser faithful can only dream.  (from FR) Requirements:
Ability to cast 7th-level divine spells
Knowledge (religion):  15 ranks
Feats: Any metamagic feat.
Holy Avenger - Very similar to the Hunter of the Dead, the Holy Avenger seeks to vanquish undead, as well as the evil clerics and necromancers which create and command them.(from the Dungeon Crawl) Requirements:
any good, or LN
Base Attack Bonus:
Knowledge (Undead):
6 ranks
Knowledge (religion):
6 ranks
Feats: Alertness, Great Fortitude, Iron Will
Special Ability:
Must be able to turn undead
Special: Must be dedicated to a patron deity.
Holy Liberator - A distant cousin of the paladin, holy liberator's are dedicated to overthrowing tyranny where it may be found.  They are champions of freedom and equality. (from Defenders of the Faith) Requirements:
Chaotic Good
BAB: +5
Diplomacy: 5 ranks
Feat: Iron Will
Hospitaler - It is the duty of the knights hospitaler to protect those traveling on religious pilgrimages.  Over the years, this singular duty has expanded to include the construction and administration of hospitals and refugee facilities.  Hospitalers are a fighting force of necessity, sworn to obedience, poverty and the defense of those in their care.  (from Defenders of the Faith) Requirements:
Any non-chaotic
BAB: +4
Handle Animal: 5 ranks
Ride: 5 ranks
Feats: Mounted Combat, Ride-by Attack
Hunter - The hunter has a particularly hated foe, which they learn to think like through study, in order to mercilessly track down and kill all creatures of that type. Requirements:
BAB: +6
Knowledge (enemy type): 10 ranks
Move Silently: 6 ranks
Feats: Mobility, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Track
Hunter of the Dead - The hunter of the dead is the hated enemy of all undead.  She spends each restless night tracking them to their lairs and cleansing the land of their foul presence. (from Defenders of the Faith) Requirements:
any non-evil
Base Attack Bonus:
Knowledge (Undead):
5 ranks
Special Ability:
Must be able to turn undead
Special: Must have lost one level or ability score point to the draining power of an undead.
Iaijutsu Master - Iaijutsu is the martial art of drawing a weapon and attacking with it in the same fluid motion.  It is the foundation of some forms of dueling in the Orient, and its masters are feared and respected through the lands where it is practiced.  (from Oriental Adventures) This prestige class is generally unavailable to PC's of the Stormkeep campaign as it is not an art commonly practiced within any areas remotely near the location the campaign is set.

Exceptions are 'possible' however, and NPC's of this class may be encountered.

Incarnate - Druids who have not only committed themselves to absolute neutrality, but are in fact the complete embodiment of the ideal, Incarnates are a very rare breed of being that has reincarnated dozens (or even hundreds) of times and remained true to their ideals in each incarnation. (From Relics & Rituals)

True and absolute Neutral
Class and level: Druid of level 4.
Feat: Quicken Spell
Ability: Wild Shape
Knowledge (nature): 7 ranks
Special: The character must have never voluntarily possessed an alignment other than true neutral.