EF |
Elder Druid - Despite sharing a name, Elder Druids and typical druids have almost nothing in common. Elder druids are most often wizards or sorcerers, although occasionally bards, fighters or even paladins take up the role. Elder druids are individuals who have been chosen to protect their world from war and darkness. Only the most knowledgeable are permitted entry into the council of elder druids, and those who do must forsake all other loyalties. (From Dragon #287) |
Requirements: Alignment: Any non-evil Knowledge (arcana): 10 ranks Knowledge (history): 5 ranks Feats: Skill Focus-Knowledge (history) Spellcasting: Must be able to cast spells. Special: Must be nominated and trained by another Elder Druid. Must forsake all other loyalties to any political power, nation and even deity. Clerics who forsake their deity lose all spells and class features and cannot gain further cleric levels, hence it is very, very rare for a cleric to take up this cause. |
Eldritch Master - Spoken of only in whispers, Eldritch Masters are are mysterious and dangerous. The rumors say they are taught by creatures most would never dream of seeing. (from Dragon #280) | Requirements: Knowledge (arcana): 8 ranks Spellcraft: 6 ranks Diplomacy: 2 ranks Intimidation: 2 ranks Spellcasting: Must be able to cast arcane spells Special: The eldritch master must make a pact or bargain with some powerful, otherworldly entity. |
Elemental Savant - Elemental savants study the basic building blocks of all existence, the elements of air, earth, fire and water, and learn to harness their power. Eventually they transcend their mortal forms and become elemental beings. From Tome and Blood | Requirements: Knowledge (Arcana): 8 ranks Knowledge (the Planes): 8 ranks Feat: Energy Substitution (acid, cold, electricity or fire) Spellcasting: Ability to cast at least three spells with one of the acid, cold, electricity or fire descriptors and at least one summon spell. At least one of these spells must be 3rd level or higher. OR the ability to cast 3rd level spells and access to the cleric domain of Air, earth, fire or Water. |
Eunuch Warlock - Eunuch's serve as spies, couriers and informants to the emperor. The warlocks among them are the elite leaders of this group of the emperor's most trusted servants. (from Oriental Adventures) | Not available to PC's in the Stormkeep campaign, as the campaign locality is very, very far from the Emperor's concerns. |
Fang of Lolth - By choice, or by chance, Fang's of Lolth have become fused with dark magic of the spider queen, gaining many of the skills and powers of a spider. (From Song and Silence) |
Requirements: Alignment: Non-lawful BAB: +5 Use Magic Device: 10 ranks Special: Must have found and successfully performed the "Use Magic Device" skill (DC 25) on a Fang Scarab. |
Fatespinner - Mages who have pulled back the curtain of chance, circumstance and chaos to glimpse a deeper truth: probability. From Tome and Blood | Requirements: Knowledge (Arcana): 8 ranks Knowledge (any): 8 ranks Spellcasting: Ability to cast arcane spells of 3rd level. |
Fiend Slayer - A shadowy character who has a burning hatred for evil outsiders, Fiend Slayers have learned their ways and has dedicated himself ot ridding the world of them. He is no holy champion, however, as he's consorted with evil to learn its weaknesses and taken on fiendesh aspects to better confront his foes. (From Dragon #287) |
Requirements: Alignment: Any non-evil, non-good BAB: +4 Knowledge (arcana): 5 ranks Knowledge (the planes): 2 ranks. Favored Enemy: Any evil outsider type (demon, devil, and so on). Spellcasting: Ability to cast Protection from Evil. Special: Ex-paladins can forego the favored enemy and the protection from evil requirement if they are willing to give up (instantly lose) one level of ex-paladin. For example, a 6th level ex-paladin, if he meets all other requirements, may take a level of fiend-slayer and he will be a 5th-level ex-paladin/1st level fiend slayer. Thus, a ex-paladin need not gain a new level to take a level in this class; once the decision is made it can happen instantly. |
Fist of Hextor - Templars sworn to the service of Hextor. (from S&F) | Not Available for pc's in the Stormkeep Campaign. |
Runner of Ehlonna - Fleet Runners are servants of Ehlonna, gifted
with preternatural speed and travel abilities which they use in defense of
the woodlands -- to carry messages, send for aid, or rush to aid
themselves. From Dragon #283 |
Requirements: Alignment: Neutral Good Patron Deity: Ehlonna Base Will Save: +3 Knowledge (Nature): 11 ranks Knowledge (Religion): 3 ranks Wilderness Lore: 5 ranks Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Run Spellcasting: Ability to cast divine spells. |