D |
of the Gnarley - The Defenders of the Gnarley Forest are a special
group, tasked with the defense of the Gnarley forest and the preservation
of all that is good within. |
Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +5 Wilderness Lore: 10 ranks Feats: Track Special: Must have sponsorship of a current Defender of the Gnarley Forest. |
Devoted Defender - A professional bodyguard. (from S&F) | Requirements: BAB: +5 Feats: Weapon Focus (any melee weapon), Alertness Search: 4 ranks Sense Motive: 4 ranks Spot: 4 ranks |
Divine Champion - For the more pacifistic deities who do not count paladins among their servants, the divine champion fills the role of the church-sponsored warrior. (from FR) | Requirements: BAB: +7 Feats: Weapon Focus in the deities favored weapon Knowledge (Religion): 3 ranks Special: Stating the obvious, the divine champion must worship and have the same alignment as the deity to whom she is a champion. |
Divine Disciple - Disciples interpret the divine will, act as teachers and guides to others of the clergy, and arm the lay followers with the power of their patron deity. (from FR) | Requirements: Diplomacy: 5 ranks Knowledge (religion): 8 ranks Spellcasting: ability to cast 4th level divine spells. Special: Must worship the deity to whom she is a divine disciple. |
Divine Seeker - There are times when a church cannot act openly. Discrete, stealthy and protected by the power of their deity, Seekers can often accomplish what a direct assault could not. (from FR) | Requirements: Hide: 10 ranks Knowledge (religion): 3 ranks Move Silently: 8 ranks Spot: 5 ranks Special: The divine seeker must worship the deity to whom she is a servant (no duh, huh?) |
Dragon Disciple - For some, dragon blood beckons irresistibly. They become dragon disciples, using their powers as a catalyst to ignite their dragon blood, and realizing its fullest potential. From Tome and Blood | Requirements: Race: Any nondragon (nor half-dragon) Knowledge (arcana): 8 ranks Languages: Draconic Spellcasting: Ability to cast arcane spells without preparation. |
Dragon Kith - Creatures that serve and aid dragons, the Dragon Kith receive special abilities, and even physical changes, granted through complex rituals known only to dragons, in exchange for their service. (From Dragon 284) | This class is not really appropriate for PCs, as it spending your days toiling about a dragon's lair is not really the stuff of adventure. |
Dread Pirate - Masters of every aspect of larseny on the high seas, earning him fortune and infamy. (From Song and Silence) |
Requirements: Alignment: Non-lawful BAB: +4 Appraise: 8 ranks Profession (sailor): 8 ranks Feats: Quick Draw, Weapon Finesse (any) Special: Must own a ship worth 10,000 gp or more with sufficient crew to operate it at the high seas. |
Drunken Master - Martial arts students of the School of Drunken Boxing. (from S&F) | Currently unavailable to pc's in the Stormkeep campaign. |
Duelist - The duelist is a daring swashbuckler who relies on her wits and reflexes to survive. The duelist proves that precision and skill are viable alternatives to massive weapons and that agility is a viable alternative to heavy armour. (from S&F) | Requirements: Base Attack Bonus: +6 Perform: 3 ranks Tumble: 5 ranks Feats: Dodge, Weapon Proficiency (rapier), Ambidexterity, Mobility |
Dungeon Delver - The ultimate expression of the adventuring rogue, the Dungeon Delver excels at moving stealthily through all types of dungeon terrain, detecting and disarming traps, bypassing locks, and locating treasure with exceptional skill. (From Song and Silence) |
Requirements: Climb: 10 ranks Craft (stonemasonary): 5 ranks Disable Device: 10 ranks Hide: 5 ranks Move Silently: 5 ranks Open Lock: 10 ranks Search: 10 ranks Feats: Alertness, Blind Fight Special: Must have survived a great trial underground. |
Dustdigger - Dustdiggers wish to collect, record, and preserve the artifacts of these lost cultures in an effort to learn about their history. They also wish to keep such treasures out of the hands of those who would exploit them. | Requirements: Knowledge: 10 Ranks, distributed among any of the following: arcana, history, local, religion. Wilderness Lore: 4 Ranks Languages: 3 or more Appraise 4 Ranks Reputation: 15 or higher Special: The Dustdigger must join and remain a member of the Dustdigger College in Loftwick. Members can be ejected for misappropriation of archaeological treasures. |
Defender - The defender is a very skilled combatant who excels in
the arts of defense. A line of dwarven defenders is far harder to
pass then a 10 foot thick wall of stone. |
Requirements: Alignment: Any lawful Race: Dwarf Base Attack Bonus: +7 Feats: Dodge, Endurance, Toughness |