Candle Caster - Also called "spell chandlers", these specialists fill their time fashioning candles, both for esthetics and for power. From Tome and Blood Requirements:
Craft (candlemaking):
6 ranks
Feats: Great Fortitude
Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd level spells.
Cavalier - The cavalier is the ultimate mounted warrior.  he is the shining knight who leads his fellows on the fields of glorious battle. (from S&F) Requirements:
Alignment: Any Lawful
Base Attack Bonus: +8
Ride: 8 ranks
Feats: Spirited Charge, Weapon Focus (lance), Weapon Focus (any sword), Mounted combat, Ride-by Attack
Handle Animal: 4 ranks
Knowledge (nobility and royalty): 4 ranks
Ride: 6 ranks
Special: The cavalier must pledge fealty to a noble lord.
Church Inquisitor - When greed eats away at a church hierarchy, when devils infiltrate a knightly order and seduce its leader to evil, when hich clerics succumb to evil enchantments and fall from the path of their deity, it is usually a church inquisitor who uncovers the evil and cuts it away.  These holy men are as concerned about the evil and corruption within their congregation as that without.  (from Defenders of the Faith) Requirements:
Lawful good or Lawful Neutral
Base Will Save: +3
Knowledge (arcana): 8 ranks
Spellcraft: 8 ranks
Spells: Ability to cast dispel magic as a divine spell.
Special: Must be a member of a lawful good church or religious order, and have uncovered some corruption within that order.
Consecrated Harrier - Consecrated Harriers act as a bounty hunter for the religion or organization which they belong to.  A consecrated harrier hunts blasphemers, heretics and those who betray or attack the church directly.  (from Defenders of the Faith) Requirements:
Any lawful
BAB:  +5
Disguise: 5 ranks
Gather Information: 5 ranks
Profession (lawyer): 5 ranks
Feats: Track
Special: Must succeed in the first harrier mission assigned, or wait a year and a day before being allowed to reapply to become a Consecrated Harrier.
Contemplative - Spending hours in prayer, these devoted followers purify their souls, fitting them for closer contact with the divine.  (from Defenders of the Faith) Requirements:
Knowledge (religion):
13 ranks
Special: Must have had some direct contact with the divine, either a patron deity, a direct servant thereof, or an enlightened being embodying the highest principles (a solar, for example).
Crypt Lord - Among the most notorious of necromancers, the Crypt Lord chose to leave the world of the living behind to focus on the power granted by the netherworld.  (From Relics & Rituals) The ways of the Crypt Lord are dark and tainted, and thus are not available to PC's in the Stormkeep campaign.