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Acolyte of the Skin - Replacing one's own skin with that of a living demon is a goal that most couldn't even concieve of, let alone consider. This, however, is exactly what some spellcasters seek in their desperate quest for greater power. From Tome and Blood | Requirements: Alignment: Any non-good Knowledge (the planes|Outer Planes): 8 ranks Spellcasting: Ability to cast 3rd level arcane spells Special: Must have made a peaceful contract with a summoned, evil, outsider. |
- The acrobat, like the bard, is an entertainer. His focus is on
the athletic aspects of entertainment. |
Requirements: Balance: 8 ranks Jump: 8 ranks Tumble: 8 ranks Feats: Dodge, Mobility |
Alienest - Alienists deal with powers and entitities from the remotest and most terrifying reaches of space and time. For them, magical power is the triumph of the mind over the boundaries of dimension, distance, and, quite often, even sanity. From Tome and Blood | Requirements: Knowledge (Arcana): 8 ranks Knowledge (The Planes): 8 ranks Feat: Alertness Spellcasting: Ability to cast at least one divination spell and at least one summoning spell of level 3 or higher. Special: Prior contact with an alienest or pseudonatural creature. |
Ancestral Avenger - Elves who are fired in the oven of hatred, and cooled in the breeze of eons of experience fighting their enemies, the Ancestral Avenger's sole purpose in life is the extermination of the drow. From Dragon #279 | Requirements: BAB: +5 Wilderness Lore: 3 ranks Feats: Alertness, Iron Will, Tracking |
Archer - Master of the elven warbands, an arcane archer is a
warrior skilled in using magic to supplement her combat prowess. |
Requirements: Race: Elf or Half-Elf Base Attack Bonus: +6 Feats: Weapon focus (any bow other than crossbow), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot Spellcasting: Ability to cast at least level 1 arcane spells. |
Arcane Devotee - Some arcane spellcasters are also very devout in their faith. They willingly subordinate their own causes to those of their patron deity, becoming an arcane devotee. As their magic compliments the divine magic of the faith's clerical leaders, arcane devotees are among the most respected members of a deity's following. (from FR) | Requirements: Knowledge (religion): 8 ranks Spellcraft: 8 ranks Feats: Enlarge spell Alignment: Same as deity's alignment. Patron: An arcane devotee must have a patron deity and it must be the deity of whom she is a devotee. Spellcasting: Ability to cast 4-th level arcane spells. |
Arcane Trickster - Arcane tricksters combine their knowledge of magic with a taste for intrigue, larceny, or just plain mischief. From Tome and Blood | Requirements: Alignment: Any non-lawful Decipher Script: 7 ranks Disable Device: 7 ranks Escape Artist: 7 ranks Knowledge (Arcana): 4 ranks Spellcasting: Ability to cast Mage Hand and at least one arcane spell of 3rd level. Special: Must have the sneak attack ability for at least +2d6 damage |
- The arcanopath trains in methods to fight and slay spellcasters,
utilizing the Rule of Arcalos. (from Dragon #281, pg. 36) |
Requirements: BAB: +4 Knowledge (arcana): 8 ranks Feats: Improved Unarmed strike, Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Mobility Alignment: Any lawful Special: Most find the Monastery of Finithamon, successfully petition the sensei for membership, and have slain an arcane spellcaster. (Monks who join the order of Finithamon may freely multiclass as an Arcanopath without restriction) |
Archmage - The most advanced practitioners of magick, archmages bend spells in ways unavailable to other spellcasters. (from FR) | Requirements: Spellcasting: Ability to cast 7th level arcane spells, knowledge of at least 5th-level spells from five different schools of magic. Spellcraft: 15 ranks Knowledge (arcana): 15 ranks Feats: Spell Focus in two schools of magic, Skill Focus (spellcraft) |
- Master of dealing quick lethal blows, the assassin also excels at
disguise and infiltration. |
Requirements: Alignment: Any Evil Move Silently: 8 ranks Hide: 8 ranks Disguise: 4 ranks Special: consult your DMf |