Sorcerer and Wizard Spells

Sorcerer and Wizard Cantrips

Chill/Warmth± - Slowly raises or lowers temperature.
Clean± - Cleans grime and dirt from one object or person.
Distort Shadow± - Change the shape of any ordinary shadow.
Dowsing± - Locate nearby sources of potable water.
Minor Ward5 - Inscription which harms those who enter, pass or open the warded area or object.
Quick Sober
± - Cures the target of alcoholic influences.
Repair Minor Damage
7 - Cures 1 damage to a construct.
± - Causes target to sneeze.
Spark± - Creates a tiny spark.
Steal Sleep± - Transfers the need for sleep to target creature.

1st-Level Sorcerer & Wizard Spells

Acid Spittle± - Expectorate a viscous glob of acid at an opponent.
Apparition - Caster appears to become ghostly and incorporeal.
Arcane Bolt
4 - Fires a bolt(s) of force at opponents, does more damage than mm but might miss.
Arrow Charm
± - Creates a magical pointer that leads the way to a specified object or person.
Buoyancy Net± - Target is forced to the water's surface.
Chameleon Skin± - Gives a +1 bonus per level to Hide (max +10)
Chromatic Orb - Caster creates an orb of level-varying effects which he may throw at an enemy.
Chromatic Shield
- Creates a shimmering shield of light which protects from various energy attacks.
Cloud Cushion - Creates a billow and soft cushion of air which negates falling damage to those who land on it.
Deaden Senses
- Makes the target lethargic and less aware of his surroundings.
Detect Gold
± - Detects gold or other metals.
Disappear± - Caster becomes invisible for 2 rounds.
Fantastic Famulas - Conjures up an invisible servant which fights fires while it exists.
Fire Bolt*
- Releases a bolt of fire for 1d6/level damage (max 5d6).
Flame Bolt
± - Shoots flaming missiles.
Flash± - Causes a flash of light that blinds enemies.
Glue± - Make a 10' square surface sticky.
Ice Bolt* - A small shard of ice is thrown damaging target
Lesser Acid Orb
7 - Ranged touch orb of acid damages target.
Lesser Cold Orb
7 - Ranged touch orb of Cold damages target.
Lesser Electric Orb
7 - Ranged touch orb of Electricity damages target.
Lesser Fire Orb7 - Ranged touch orb of Fire damages target.
Lesser Sonic Orb7 - Ranged touch orb of sonic energy damages target.
Master's Touch
- Grants proficiency.
Negative Energy Ray
7 - A ray which inflicts negative energy damage.
Obscure Shadow
± - Makes an ordinary shadow disappear.
Rabbit Feet± - Gives +2 bonus/level to Move Silently.
Ray of Clumsiness1 - Ray which reduces target dexterity.
Ray of Flame1 - A ray of flame which damages target.
Ray of Light
1 - A ray of light which illuminates and may blind target.
Ray of Stunning
1 - A ray which stuns target.
Repair Light Damage
7 - Cures damage done to a construct.
Reshape Shadow
± - Changes the shape of a natural shadow.
Salamar's Quiet Contemplation± - Causes enemies to grow passive and philosophical.
Scatterspray6 - Creates a damaging spray from tiny or diminutive items near at hand.
Shade's Sight
± - Touched creature may look from nearby shadows.
Targeting Ray1 - A ray which allows allies nearby to better aim to attack target with missile fire.
Trigger Rune± - Triggers a previously placed, magical rune from a distance.
Wizard Mark - Allows the caster to leave a permanent personal 'mark' and brief message on target object.

2nd-Level Sorcerer & Wizard Spells

Agannazzar's Scorcher6 - Fires a jet of roaring flame from the caster's outstretched hand.
± - Distorts memories of witnesses.
Assassin' Senses± - Increases the caster's critical threat range and multiplier.
Battlecry± - Cone area effect that stuns opponents.
Bladesong - makes a bladed weapon emit magical music in combat, allowing an additional dazing touch attack each round.
Blazing Shield
± - Protects the caster against melee and missile attacks.
Captain's Voice - Makes the target creature's voice carry.
Cat's Grace
± - Subject gains 1d4+1 Dex for 1 hr/level.
Charged Bolt*- Creates  small, crackling knots of energy which discharge in front of the caster.
7 - Target is damaged over several rounds by strangling hands.
Claws of Darkness
6 - Casters hands sprout claws of shadowstuff..
Cold Snap
± - Numbs and injures an opponent with bone-chilling cold.
Commanding Presence± - Subject gains 1d4+1 Cha for 1 hr./level.
Command Undead7 - An undead creature obeys your commands and does not attack you.
Create Magic Tattoo
6 - Creates a single magical tattoo which can have varying benefits determined by caster.
Dark Flames
± - Creates a flame of darkness that grants darkvision.
Dead Man's Eyes± - View the last minutes of a corpse's life through its eyes.
Disguise Undead7 - Changes the appearance of an undead creature.
Distracting Ray
1 - This ray attempts to undo magic as it is being cast, as a special 'counterspelling' action.
Dolomar's Force Wave
± - Pushes away surrounding objects and creatures.
Dolomar's Mapping± - A spirit creates a map of the caster's movement. [Webmaster's comment: I find it amusing that D&D now has an 'automap' feature.]
Eagle's Splendor6,7  - Target creature becomes more poised, articulate and personally forceful.
Enhance Magical Flow
5 - Enhances the magic of the caster for the duration, making opponent's saves more difficult.
Enkili's Prank
± - Confuses the magic of a spellcaster, causing him to discharge the wrong spell.
Ethereal Bolt± - Bolt that damages ethereal and incorporeal targets.
Ever Scent± - Creates an illusory odor.
False Life7 - Grants temporary hitpoints.
Familiar Pocket
7 - Creates an extradimensional hiding place for your familiar.
Familiar's Sense
2 - This spell allows the caster to perceive some of what his familiar does, regardless of the distance between them
Familiar's Touch
2 - After casting this spell, you may cast any spells with a range of Touch through your familiar without being in contact.
7 - Makes subject resistant to inhaled toxins.
Flame/Frost Weapon
± - Sheaths a weapon in fire or ice.
Fox's Cunning7 - Subject gains temporary intelligence
Frost Nova
* - This spell creates a donut shaped ring which surrounds the caster in a burst, damaging and slowing those it hits.
Ganest's Farstrike
± - Creates a bolt of flame with exceptional range.
Gamble's Bridgeway - Creates a magical bridge or ladder.
Gamble's Fattening Ray
- Ray which slows and may harm the health of its target.
Gaze Screen
7 - Creates a shield of protection from gaze attacks.
- Target can glide down from a height.
Gloom± - Creates an area of shadowy light around touched object.
Hostile Images - Invokes duplicates of the target, providing flanking bonuses to those in melee with target.
Hypnotic Harmonies
- Casters performance captivates audience.
Ice Blast
* - Delivers a spray of frost in a 20' long, 5' wide arc in front of the caster.
Ice Knife7 - Ranged knife of ice damages target.
Indifference7 - Makes subject resistant to fear, compulsion and morale effects. 
* - Sprays a short burst of fire 20' long, and 5' wide from the caster's fingers.
± - Causes intoxication ability penalties and possible unconsciousness.
Life Shield± - Creates a shield that draws power from the caster's life energy.
Liliandel's Flurry± - Transforms a single fired arrow into three.
Mindless Rage - Creatures affected become so filled with rage that they can do nothing but focus on engaging the caster in personal physical combat.
Minor Shadow Conjuration± - Replicates 1st level conjuration spells.
Mirror Move4 - allows you to reproduce any general feat with an obvious physical effect that you observed another perform within the past 10 rounds
Mute - silences one target.
Owl's Wisdom
7 - Subject gains temporary wisdom increase.
Perfect Recollection
± - Subject gains 1d4+1 Int for 1 hr./level.
Phantom's Howl± - Cry that causes foes to be shaken, stunned or paralyzed.
Ray of Depletion4 - Drains Power from psionically endowed creatures and individuals.
Ray of Dizziness1 - A ray which reduces targets balance, and makes them dizzy.
Ray of Sickness
1 - A ray which nauseates Target
Ray of Ice
1 - A ray of cold which damages target.
Ray of Stupidity
1 - A ray which lowers target's intelligence.
Renewed Focus
± - Refocuses caster's initiative.
Rend the Sovereign Soul± - Weakens victim's Will to resist.
Repeair Moderate Damage7 - Repairs moderate damage to a construct.
Rune of Darkness
± - Rune causes impenetrable darkness.
Shadow Images± - Creates quasi-real mirror images of the caster.
Shadowmask6 - Mask of shadow hides your face.
Shadow Spray6 - Strength draining attack of shadowstuff which emanates from target point.
Share Life
2 - This spell allows you to transfer some of your life-force to your familiar
Sleep of the Dead
± - Feign Death
Smother± - Creates a magical cloak that smothers a target.
Snilloc's Snowball Swarm6 - A Flurry of magical snowballs erupt from target point doing cold damage to those in the area.
Static Field*
- Ring of electricity, 10' to 20' away from caster.
Static Field
5 - Creates an area that resists scrying.
Swift Water
± - Enhances the speed of boats and ships.
Thief Ward
5 - Magnifies sounds and diminishes shadows within the area.
Understand Object
4 - determines the non-magical functions of an object or technological item

3rd-Level Sorcerer & Wizard Spells

Analyze Portal6 - Locates magic portals.
Animal Infusion
± - Gain the power of an animal.
Animate Shadow± - Shadows become ropes that entangle.
Arcane Sight7 - Magical auras become visible.
Armor of Undeath
± - Crafts protective armor from a corpse.
Blacklight6 - You create an area of total darkness.
- Produces a sheet of flame as a trail behind the caster which causes damage for any who pass through it.
± - Summons whirlwind of blood that obscures vision, damages foes and causes fear.
Rust Ray1 - A ray which rusts metal on the target creature.
Call Aquatic Humanoid I
± - Calls aquatic humanoids to fight for the caster.
Call Familiar2 - This spell summons your familiar into your presence from up to one mile away.
Corpse Candle
7 - Incorporeal hand and candle reveal hidden creatures and objects.
Dragon's Breath
± - Caster breathes damaging effect.
Dragonskin5 - Caster skin covered in scales which provide protection from physical harm, and limited protection from a selected element.
Enhance Familiar7 - Increases your familiars saves, combat skills and AC for several hours.
Familiar's Form
2 - This spell is used to transfer your mind and spirit into your familiar's body
Feign Death
7 - Makes one willing, living creature appear to be dead.
Foil Tracer
5 - Foils the Teleport Tracer spell for the duration.
6 - Creates a blinding, dazzling flash of light.
Frozen Armour*
- Surrounds the caster with a field of icey cold, slowing down opponents who hit the caster in melee.
Gas Gloud
± - Creates invisible gas cloud that can explode for 1d6 damage/level.
Great Knock± - Destroys any one barred portal.
Greater Disrupt Undead1 - A more powerful version of the disrupt undead cantrip.
Greater Magical Flow Enhancement
5 - Increased the potency of the caster's spells for the duration.
Ice Burst
7 - Chunks of ice burst in a radius dealing cold and blunt damage.
Image Trap
Mirror images that pack a punch, stunning those who strike them.
Iron Storm
± - Creates a cloud of magnetic iron filings.
Life Tap* - The chosen foe 'leaks' life energy for the spell duration, causing a melee hit on the opponent to get temporary hitpoints equal to half the damage dealt.
± - Creates a magical spear that inflicts damage and drains spells from its target.
Mind Raid± - Allows reading of deep thoughts.
Minor Reflection1 - This spell creates a shimmering energy field around the caster which reflects ranged touch attacks
Minor Shadow Evocation
± - Replicates 1st and 2nd-level evocations.
Negative Energy Burst7 - Radius burst of negative energy inflicts damage.
- Calls for a ring of electricity which damages all creatures from 10' to 20' away from the caster.
Part Vapors
- Clears a path through vapors.
Pressure Sphere
± - Increases water pressure to damage targets.
Repair Serious Damage7 - Repairs serious damage to a construct.
Rune of Fire
± - Rune causes fire damage.
Rune of Seeing± - Rune allows scrying.
Rune of Sleep± - Rune causes 1d6 hid dice of creatures/caster level to fall asleep.
Shadow Strike± - Damage inflicted on a shadow is transferred to its owner.
Shadow Touch± - Caster has strength-draining touch.
Shiver Armor* - Surround the caster with a layer of extreme cold, causing those who strike the caster in melee to be paralyzed with cold.
Sting Ray
1 - A ray which stings target causing ?
Telekinetic Blast*
- The caster can pick up and toss creatures of Medium size or smaller.
Touch of the Eel± - Electrifies target's body, doing damage to anyone who touches him.
Unbuckle± - Unfastens all buckles in area.

4th-Level Sorcerer & Wizard Spells

Acid Orb7 - Ranged touch attack of acid which can be divided as you see fit.
Belsameth's Strife
± - Victim sees allies as deadly enemies.
Bottomless Pit± - Creates an infinitely deep hole.
Clay Golem*- Creates a Clay golem to serve the caster for 1 minute/level.
Cold Orb
7 - Ranged touch attack of cold which can be divided as you see fit.
Dirge of Despondency
- Overwhelms listeners of the performance with hopelessness.
Electric Orb
7 - As Acid Orb but with electrical energy.
Fire Orb
7 - As Acid Orb but with fire energy.
Fire Stride
6 - Caster can step into fires and move from fire to fire.
Fortify Familiar
7 - Increases natural armour of a familiar, as well as a chance to avoid critical hits for spell duration.
Glacial Spike*
- Hurls a shard of ice at the target, which explodes in a 20' radius blast.
± - Fills targets with ravenous hunger for 1 minute/level.
Ghostdweomer± - Creates a phantom dweomer around a spell or magic item to foil dispel magic attempts.
Mass Darkvision7 - Area Effect Darkvision spell
Mass Resist Elements
7 - Resist Elements which effects multiple targets.
Mind over Matter
± - Aids concentration to ignore distractions.
Minor Circle of Seeing± - Creates a magical circle to view locations where runes of seeing have been placed.
Mirror Safe± - Creates an extra-dimensional space to store items.
Negative Energy Wave7 - A surge of negative energy which rebukes or bolsters undead.
Otiluke's Dispelling Screen
7 - Creates a barrier which dispels magic upon contact.
Purifying Flames
± - Burns a foe every round until extinguished.
Ray of Weakness1 - A ray which weakens the target.
Ray of Deanimation
1 - A ray which deanimates target.
Remove Resistance± - Decreases target's spell resistance.
Repair Critical Damage7 - Cures critical damage to a construct.
Run of Poison
± - Rune causes deadly poison.
Sacrifice Spell± - Cannibalize other spells for 1d8 damage/spell level bolts.
Seal of Hedrada± - Seals one portal until a condition is met.
Shadow form of Lyrand± - Caster turns himself into a natural shadow.
Shadow Shield± - Protects the caster from sight and scrying.
Sonic Orb7 - As Acid Orb but with sonic energy.
5 - Allows a gem to trap a preselected spell, after which the game becomes a damaging trap.
Tattoo Item
± - Changes one item into a tattoo on the subject's body.
Terole's Translator± - Gives complete understanding of one language.

Tevikk's Creeping Eye± - Creates a small eye-like object that the caster can see through.
Thunderlance6 - Creates a great lance of force which can be used as a weapon which can penetrate and even dispel lower level force protections (such as shield or mage armor).
Tysiln's Wondrous Carriage
- creates a carriage of force-energy to transport the caster and others.
Verminplague± - Summons a horde of diseased rats, insects and other scavengers.
Water's Embrace± - Animates a body of water in order to drown a creature.
Windshear - Creates a disruption of air currents in a sphere.
Yaral's Totemic Transformation
± - Grants the caster powers of totem animal.
Zombie Form
± - Take the form of a zombie.

5th-Level Sorcerer & Wizard Spells

Call Aquatic Monster± - Calls an aquatic monster to fight for the caster.
Cloak of
Winter - Coats an area in ice, keeping it cool for 1 week/level.
Curtain of Darkness
± - Creates a black wall that blocks sight and scrying.
± - Imbues water with negative energy.
Dolomar's Limited Liquification± - Caster assumes a liquid state.
± - Victims must make will save or by deafened or paralyzed.
- Grants the recipient bat-like sonar.
Energy Buffer
7 - Absorbs damage from one kind of energy.
Energy Shield*
- Creates a nexus of magic and health which allows the caster to convert any un-cast spells directly into hitpoints to negate damage the instant any damage is taken.
7 - The caster becomes incorporeal
Grimwald's Graymantle
6 - Imbues a bone or skull which can inhibit a target's ability to heal or regain lost levels and ability points.
Lesser Ironguard6 - target creature is granted immunity to non-magical metal.
Light Amplification
- All creatures within the area of effect are granted low-light vision.
Live Wood
± - Regenerates damage done to wooden items or creatures.
Mass Flight - Allows multiple targets to fly.
Meld Object
± - Merges one object into the body of a creature.
- Calls down a huge, flaming meteor shower that pummels creatures in a 20' radius.
Mordenkainen's Private Sanctum
7 - Prevents anyone from viewing or scrying an area for 24 hours.
± - Allows casting of prepared spell instead of others. (wizard only)
± - Caster's gaze damages and impairs undead.
Pillar of Attraction/Repulsion
± - Creates a magnetic pillar that attracts/repels metal armor and weapons.
Ray of Entropy
1 - A ray which inflicts entropy.
Shadow Weapon± - Creates a Strength-draining weapon.
Ship Snare± - Creates a magic trap to slow sea vessels.
Spiritwall7 - Creates a wall of wailing spirits that inspires fear and inflicts damage and energy drain.
Teleport Block
5 - Blocks teleportation magic into and out of the area of effect.
Teleport Redirect5 - Any teleport in the area of effect is redirected to chosen destination.

6th-Level Sorcerer & Wizard Spells

Airmantle - Surrounds the caster in a thin envelope of filtering, breathable air.
Awaken Lesser Titan Avatar
± - Conjures a powerful outsider.
Belsameth's Blessing± - Transforms one creature into a werebeast.
Call Aquatic Humanoid II± - Calls aquatic humanoids to fight for the spellcaster.
Conditional Spell5 - Stores a spell in the target, to be released on a preset condition.
Declaration of Death
± - Convinces a single target it has died.
Enchant* - Causes a weapon to deal additional fire damage for the spell duration.
Enkili's Lightning Storm± - Causes an electrical storm that the caster can control.
Gate Seal6 - Permanently seals a gate or portal.
Imbue Familiar with Spell Ability7 - Transfers spells to a familiar.
Otto's Triple Chime
- Opens multiple closures over the course of a minute.
Mass Fly
7 - As Fly
spell but affects multiple targets within range.
Pass the Years
± - Ages target by 1d10 years.
Power Word, Thunder± - Causes a clap of deafening thunder.
Reverse Illusion± - A real object is cloaked by illusion.
Rie's Dance of Seduction± - Charms all who view the dancer.
Shadow Smash± - Permanently turns any object into a shadow version of itself.
Taldock's Spell Inhibitor
± - Weakens spells cast within 100 feet.
Teleport Tracer5 - Reveals the destination of the most recent teleportation spell cast within the area.
Undeath to Death7 - Destroys undead.

7th-Level Sorcerer & Wizard Spells

Aria of Peace - Soothes and calms all who hear the song.
Chilling Armor*
- Surrounds the caster with a field of subzero cold which damages and slows those who make melee attacks against the caster.
Daggers of Vaul
± - Creates a cloud of tiny blades that inflict 1d4 points of damage per round.
Energy Immunity
7 - Renders the subject immune to damage from one kind of energy.
Freezing Curse
± - Target is frozen solid.
Ilajam Fire
± - Creates a burst of persistent flame.
Mass Teleportation
7 - As Teleport but effects greater weight and caster need not accompany that which she teleports.
Mormo's Serpent Hands
± - Turns caster's fingers into venomous snakes.
Otiluke's Greater Dispelling Screen
7 - Creates a barrier that dispells magic on contact.
± - Severs the connection of a divine caster and his deity.
Shade Evocation
± - Replicates evocation spells up to 6th-level.
± - Tortured spirits drain Con from a chosen target.
Thunder Storm*
- Creates a thunder storm, lightning bolts strike foes within the storm every other round.

8th-Level Sorcerer & Wizard Spells

Blackflame± - Surrounds the subject in an inferno of black fire.
- Creates a 'donut burst' of cold energy at 10' but less than 30' from the caster.
Darkstaff± - Creates a staff of negative energy that drains hit points and levels from foes.
Dimensional Lock
7 - Blocks teleportation and other forms of dimensional travel for several days.
6 - Strips the flesh from a corporeal creature's body.
Frozen Orb*
- Creates a frost orb which throws ice bolts in all directions.
Greater Circle of Seeing
± - View and affect locations where runes of seeing exist.
Great Shout
6,7 -  Blaring yell which stuns, deafens and damages.
- Summons three draconic heads which spew firebolts or fireballs at the caster's foes.
Leech Field± - Deals 1d8 damage/level within 30 feet.
Rapid Journey
± - Allows multiple teleportations
Strength of Kadum± - Target receives +1/caster level bonus to Str.
Shadow Storm
± - Causes damage, and Str and Con loss.
Shadow Twin
± - Turns a creature's shadow into a hostile twin.
Time Skip± - Become nonexistent for a time.
Widdershins± - Caster jumps back in time.

9th-Level Sorcerer & Wizard Spells

Chain Contingency7 - As Contingency spell but can trigger up to 3 spells.
Elminster's Evasion
6 - A powerful variant of the contingency spell.
Hide Life7 - The caster locks away her life force into a small receptacle and cannot be killed while the receptacle remains intact.
Prismatic Blade
- Creates a blade of prismatic power in the caster's hand.
Slerotin's Fortitude -
Protects 10 cubic feet/level of inorganic matter from physical and magical attacks.
Two Minds
± - Doubles the caster's mental actions.