Ephod of Melee± - Creates a magical vest
that protects against missile attacks and ranged spells.
Divine Sacrifice3 - Sacrifice hp for damage bonus.
Gaze of Truth± - Detects mind-controlling enchantments and
Holy Beacon± - Signals paladins that another paladin is
in danger.
Minor Symbol of Divinity± - Creates minor magical protections
within a small area.
Smite± - Invokes the paladin's smite power.
Blessed Aim3 - Allies receive bonus to
ranged attacks.
Chorus of
Valor - Singing with the caster grants morale bonuses to fear saves and
Commanding Presence± - Subject gains 1d4+1 Cha for 1hr./level.
Curse of the Brute3 - Increased Str, Dex, and Con with like
decrease to Int and Cha.
Divine Wisdom± - Subject gains 1d4+1 Wis for 1 hr./level.
Limbs of Endurance± - Cures fatigue, Improves Fortitude save
by +1, reduces the need for rest.
Zeal3 - You gain increased AC against AOO, move through
Heart of Valor± - Augments aura of courage, grants attack bonuses, causes fear in opponents.
Brothers in Arms± - Allies exchange hit
points and Strength between themselves.
Cloak of Righteousness± - Creates a shining raiment, blinding
opponents and encouraging allies.
Hand of Justice± - Enables the paladin to mete out tremendous
damage in combat.
Holy Beacon's Answer± - Allows paladins to answer the call of
the holy beacon.
Ironheart± - Grants recipient +5 bonus that can be
distributed among future saving throws.
Lesser Aspect of the Deity3 - Your form becomes more like your
Life Force Transfer± - Heal others by harming yourself.
Sacred Journey± - Enhances a paladin's innate abilities.
Soul of Mercy± - Enhances the paladin's combat ability when
attacking to subdue.
Weapon of the Deity3 - Increased attack and damage, plus a
special ability, to your weapon.