Bard Spells

Bard Cantrips

Apparition - Caster appears to become ghostly and incorporeal.
Dowsing± - Locates nearby sources of potable Water
Easy Math8 - allows instant counting and distance calculation.
Fine Tuning
8 - Makes an instrument masterwork; +2 on perform checks.
8 - Creates illusory drum accompaniment
± - Causes Target to Sneeze

1st-level Bard Spells

Ambient Song8 - Masks bardic music effects as other sounds.
± - Cleans grime and dirt from one object or person.
Deaden Senses - Makes the target lethargic and less aware of his surroundings.
Detect Gold
±  - Detects gold or other metals.
Disappear± - Caster becomes invisible for 2 rounds.
Fantastic Famulas - Conjures up an invisible servant which fights fires while it exists.
± - Causes a flash of light that blinds enemies.
Focusing Chant8 - Improves concentration.
Joyful Noise8 - Negates magical silence.
Lullaby8 - Makes subject drowsy.
Master's Touch4 - Grants proficiency.
Quick Sober
± - Cures the target of alcholic influences.
Rabbit Feet± - Gives +2 bonus/level to move silently.
Salamar's Quiet Contemplation± - Causes enemy to grow passive and philosophical.
Shade's Sight± - Creature touched may look from nearby shadows.
Steal Sleep± - Transfers need for sleep to target creature.
Understand Object4 - determines the non-magical functions of an object or technological item
Wizard Mark - Allows the caster to leave a permanent personal 'mark' and brief message on target object.

2nd-level Bard Spells

Alibi± - Distorts memories of witnesses.
Bladesong - makes a bladed weapon emit magical music in combat, allowing an additional dazing touch attack each round.
Captain's Voice
- Makes the target creature's voice carry.
Chorus of Valor
- Singing with the caster grants morale bonuses to fear saves and attacks.
Chromatic Orb
- Caster creates an orb of level-varying effects which he may throw at an enemy.
Commanding Presence
± - Subject gains 1d4+1 Cha for 1 hr./level
Crescendo8 - Grants increasing bonus on attack rolls.
Dead Man's Eyes
± - View the last minutes of a corpses life from its view.
Dirge of Despondency - Overwhelms listeners of the performance with hopelessness.
Dolomar's Force Wave
± - Pushes away surrounding objects and creatures.
Eagle's Splendor6 - Target creature becomes more poised, articulate and personally forceful.
Enkili's Prank
± - Confuses the magic of a spellcaster, causing him to discharge the wrong spell.
Ever Scent± - Creates an illusory smell.
Fortissimo8 - Doubles volume of sound.
Fox's Cunning
7 - Enhances the target's Intelligence
± - Creates an area of shadowy light around touched object.
Harmonize8 - Pools the talents of multiple bards.
Hostile Images - Invokes duplicates of the target, providing flanking bonuses to those in melee with target.
Hypnotic Harmonies
- Casters performance captivates audience.
± - Causes intoxication and possible unconsciousness in target.
Liliandel's Flurry± - Transforms a single fired arrow into three.
Mindless Rage - Creatures affected become so filled with rage that they can do nothing but focus on engaging the caster in personal physical combat.
Mirror Move
4 - allows you to reproduce any general feat with an obvious physical effect that you observed another perform within the past 10 rounds
Owl's Wisdom
7 - Enhances the target's wisdom.
Perfect Recollection
± - Subject gains 1d4+1 Int. for 1 hr./level.
Rend the Sovereign Soul± - Weakens victim's Will to resist.
Song of Heroes± - Bardic song gives allies +3 to attack, damage and saves.
Summon Instrument8 - summons one instrument of the bard's favored type.

3rd-level Bard Spells

Analyze Portal6 - Locate portals in an area.
Assassin's Senses
± -  Increases caster's critical threat range and multiplier.
Blunt Weapon8 - Halves the base damage of a slashing or piercing weapon.
Call Aquatic Humanoid I
± - Calls Aquatic humanoids to fight for the caster.
Curse of Terror± - Makes one person deathly afraid of something harmless.
Dirge of Woe± - Causes nearby creatures to lapse into despair.
Healthful Slumber8 - Doubles natural healing rate.
Hymn of Praise
8 - Grants +1 caster level to good-aligned divine spellcasters.
Infernal Threnody
8 - Grants +1 caster level to evil-aligned divine spellcasters.
Mind Raid
± - Allows reading of deep thoughts.
Ray of Depletion4 - Drains Power from psionically endowed creatures and individuals.
Terole's Translator± - Gives complete understanding of one language.
Unbuckle± - Unfastens all buckles in an area.

4th-level Bard Spells

Allegro8 - Doubles speed and maximum jumping distance.
Belsameth's Strife
± - Victim sees allies as deadly enemies.
Choir8 - Creates illusory accompanists.
Echolocation - Grants the recipient bat-like sonar.
Follow the Leader
8 - Causes creatures to follow.
± - Creates a phantom dweomer around a spell or magic item to foil dispel magic attempts.
Harmonic Chorus8 - Increases save DCs of target's spells.
Light Amplification - All creatures within the area of effect are granted low-light vision.
Listening Coin
8 - Allows remote eavesdropping.
Mind over Matter
± - Aids concentration to ignore distractions.
Song of the Gods± - Bardic song aids divine spell recovery.
Spectral Weapon8 - Creates a quasi-real weapon.
Zone of Silence8 - Keeps eavesdroppers from overhearing conversations.

5th-level Bard Spells

Doomwail± - Victims must make Will saving throws or be deafened or paralyzed.
Improvisation8 - Applies luck bonus to selected checks or attacks.
± -Target must answer three questions truthfully.
Otto's Resistible Dance8 - Makes listeners go into a dancing frenzy.
Otto's Triple Chime - Opens multiple closures over the course of a minute.
Rie's Dance of Seduction
± - Charms all who view the dancer.
Song of Discord8 - Forces targets to attack one another.
Wall of Doom8 - Forces targets to flee.

6th-level Bard Spells

Aria of Peace - Soothes and calms all who hear the song.
Call Aquatic Humanoid II
± - Calls aquatic humanoids to fight for the spellcaster.
Declaration of Death
± -  Convinces a single creature that it has died.
Fanfare8 - Stuns and deafens targets, dealing damage.
Gate Seal
6 - Permanently seals a gate or portal.
Great Shout
7 - Stuns and damages creatures.
Insidious Rhythm
8 - Implants melody in subjects mind, reducing their ability to think and concentrate clearly.
8 - Grants another creature the bardic music ability.
Reverse Illusion
± - A real object is cloaked by Illusion.
Song of Champions± - Bardic song gives additional temporary feats. 
Sympathetic Vibration8 - Inflicts damage on freestanding structures.