Language Trees

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Human Tongues

Languages in Tan are root languages
Languages in Green are regional dialects which have so branched off from their root that they can very well be considered languages of their own.  Many can be taken at character creation by pc's from appropriate regions only.
Languages in purple are unique, with no known root or related languages.


Non-Human tongues

Colour coding on this tree is used only to differentiate the different 'levels' of the languages as they grow more distant from "The First Tongue."   The First Tongue itself cannot be taken by pc's, as the language itself has been lost to mortal knowledge.  It is rumored that many of the old gods still know this tongue, and it is the language of creation, where merely uttering a phrase makes whatever is said into a reality.  Some mortal sages and wizards strive a life time to research and learn the Tongue for this reason, seeking power and/or glory...thus far, all have failed to make any progress.


All original material on this website is © Copyright 2000, 2001, Shawn A. Chesak.

 Much of the background music on the pages of this site was composed by Bjorn Lynne.

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