And so it was that our heroes saved Caltaras from the foul Illithid and his infernal hosts. The city burst with spontaneous celebration, and Baron Euphemes II lauded the heroes with both praise, and great rewards. The heroes did then make the Baron a magical brooch, to protect him from further mental control, and thus keep the city safe from such foul schemes forevermore. A statue honoring those who died in the great battles was erected before the newly rebuilt Temple of Pelor. Tara Sunspirit, Schooma Heartforge, Legacy Strongfist, and Gamble the Mad would forever stand in the great Sun Square, for all who passed to remember, and honor. In generations to come, the legend would grow, and citizens of Caltaras would claim that in the hour of its direst need, the statues would come to life and once again save the city. But that is a tale for another day. |
Much of the background music on the pages of this site was composed by Bjorn Lynne. View
other copyrights and credits for the Stormkeep domain. |