[rules corrections]     [rules clarifications]

PHB Rules Corrections

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 2

Page 12, column 2 line 6: change Druidic to Sylvan.
Page 15, column 1, 5th bulleted paragraph: change rare or exotic to stone or metal.
Page 19, column 2, 6th bulleted paragraph: change Infernal to Abyssal.

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 3

Page 32 column 2, Dwarven Cleric Starting Package: change Domains entry to Law and Protection.
Page 34, column 1, Weapon and Armor Proficiency: add dart, halfspear, longspear as proficient weapons.
Page 55 column 1, Gnome Illusionist Starting Package, Spellbook: change minor illusion to silent image.
Page 56 column 1 middle: insert rogue levels (or vice versa) to determine.
Page 56 column 1 middle: above Feats paragraph, insert this paragraph: In the special case of obtaining a familiar, both wizards and sorcerers have the same ability. A sorcerer/wizard can treat his wizard levels as sorcerer levels (or vice versa) to determine the familiar's natural armor, Intelligence, and special abilities.

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 4

Page 64 column 2, under table: Insert Armor Class (if any). This attack must be made on or before your next turn. Feinting in this way
Page 68, column 1, table: change check at +20 to check at +10
Page 70, Intuit Direction, Retry: insert more than between Direction and once
Page 70, Intuit Direction, insert at end of paragraph: Use the number you rolled for all other checks in the same day.
Page 71, Listen, table: change 25 to 19
Page 75, column 2, table: Emulate ability score line: change 25 to See text
Page 76, line 5: change may have a difficult time using a to must roll to see if you use the

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 6

Page 91, column 2, top: change lawful evil to chaotic evil

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 7

Page 97, column 2, Type: delete no damage from

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 8

Page 122, column 1, Provoking an Attack of Opportunity, line 7: change first to second
Page 125, column 2, Attacks of Opportunity: insert points of damage taken + spell level)
Page 136, column 1, Strike a Weapon, 1st line: insert slashing or bludgeoning weapon

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 11

Page 168 column 1: after Control Plants line, insert: Cure Moderate Wounds. Cures 2d8+1/level damage (max +10).
Page 176, Arcane Mark: change Range to 0 ft.
Page 177 column 2 near top: delete within half an hour
Page 179 column 2, end of long paragraph: delete and increases the cost of the spell's material components by one-half (see below).
Page 180 column 2 middle: insert a -4 penalty on Search checks and most
Page 180, column 2, Blindness/Deafness: insert A deafened character, in addition to the obvious effects, automatically fails Listen checks, suffers a -4 penalty on initiative, and has a 20% chance
Page 182 column 3 top: change Saving Throw to Will negates (harmless)
Page 184 column 3, Clone: change Range to 0 ft.
Page 185 column 3: insert a -4 penalty on Search checks and most
Page 188 column 1, Continual Flame: change Illusion [Figment] to Evocation [Light]
Page 188 column 1, Continual Flame: change Range to 0 ft.
Page 190 column 2, Cure Moderate Wounds: move Healing 2 in front of Pal 3; add Rgr 3 to the end of this line
Page 190 column 2 near bottom, Dancing Lights: change Illusion (Figment) to Evocation (Light)
Page 191 column 3, Delayed Blast Fireball 1st para: change 1d8 to 1d6
Page 191 column 3, Delayed Blast Fireball 1st para: add (maximum 20d6) to end of paragraph
Page 195 column 3, Discern Location: change Target to One creature or object
Page 199 column 2, Endurance: change Saving Throw to Will negates (harmless)
Page 202, column 1, Explosive Runes: change Duration to Permanent until discharged (D)
Page 205 column 3, Flame Blade: change Range to 0 ft.
Page 209 column 3 paragraph 2 under table: insert a -4 penalty on Search checks and most
Page 210 column 3 bottom: add new paragraph after certain creatures: You can't cast this spell on a natural weapon such as an unarmed strike.
Page 211 column 1, Greater Planar Ally: insert a number of creatures of the same type whose
Page 211 column 1, Greater Planar Binding: insert at end of Targets line: when they appear.
Page 211 column 1, Greater Planar Binding: insert a number of creatures of the same type whose
Page 211 column 3, Confusion: change Spell resistance: No to Spell resistance: Yes
Page 212 column 2 middle, Hallow: change next to last paragraph to read: Hallow counters but does not dispel unhallow.
Page 213 column 2, Heat Metal: insert Transmutation [Fire]
Page 215 column 1 near middle: insert a -4 penalty on Search checks and most
Page 216 column 3 top: change Duration to Permanent until discharged
Page 218 column 2, Invisibility to Animals, Duration: add (D) to end of line
Page 218 column 3 bottom, Ironwood, Components: change to V, S, M
Page 218 column 3 bottom, Ironwood, Range: change to 0 ft.
Page 219 column 1 middle: at end of Ironwood spell description, insert: Material Component: Wood shaped into the form of the intended ironwood object.
Page 220 column 2, Leomund's Secure Shelter: in Components line, change M/DF to M, F
Page 220 column 3 line 8: change alarm to unseen servant
Page 221 column 3, Lesser Planar Binding, replace the parenthetical after Charisma check with the following: (DC 15 + 1/2 the caster's level + the caster's Charisma modifier)
Page 222 column 1, Lesser Restoration last line: insert as from a wraith's touch
Page 225 column 2, Magic Weapon, Components: delete F,
Page 225 column 2 bottom: change Focus: The weapon. to You can't cast this spell on a natural weapon such as an unarmed strike.
Page 229 column 3 bottom: insert a -4 penalty on Search checks and most
Page 233 column 2, Order's Wrath: insert 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d8)
Page 235 column 3, Planar Ally: insert a number of creatures of the same type whose
Page 235 column 3, Planar Binding: change Summoning to Calling
Page 235 column 3, Planar Binding: insert a number of creatures of the same type whose
Page 238 column 3, Produce Flame: change Range to 0 ft.
Page 244 column 2, bottom of table: change 83-85 to 83-86
Page 244 column 2, bottom of table: change 86-88 to 87-90
Page 244 column 2, bottom of table: delete the 89-90 line
Page 246 column 3, Rope Trick: insert perpendicular to the ground as if
Page 251 column 3, Shocking Grasp: change Duration to Permanent until dispelled
Page 252 column 1 middle: also, insert: a -4 penalty on initiative, automatically fails Listen checks, and has a 20% chance
Page 261 column 3 top: insert a -4 penalty on Search checks and most
Page 261 column 3, Sunburst: insert Evocation [Fire]
Page 261 column 3 middle: insert a -4 penalty on Search checks and most
Page 261 column 3, Symbol: change Range to 0 ft.
Page 263 column 1, Discord: Insert within 60 feet who fail a Will save immediately
Page 265 column 1, Teleportation Circle: change Range to 0 ft.
Page 267 column 3 line 18: insert Ethereal Plane (but not into extradimensional spaces). The range
Page 267 column 3, True Strike: change Duration to See text
Page 267 column 3 near bottom: change (within the duration of the spell) to (if it is made before the end of the next round)
Page 268 column 1 bottom, Unhallow: change next to last paragraph to read: Unhallow counters but does not dispel hallow.
Page 268 column 2, Unholy Aura, 2nd para: change evil to good

[return to top]

PHB Clarifications

Player's Handbook Errata -- Introductory Material

Page 4: Change the 7 inside the circle to a 6
Page 5: Change the 7 inside the circle to a 6
Page 5: Change the 6 inside the circle to a 7
Page 5: Change 6. Select a Feat to 7. Select a Feat. Move this header and this paragraph so that they come right before 8. Review Description.
Page 5: Change 7. Select Skills to 6. Select Skills. In the second paragraph under this header, change Table 5-2 to Table 4-2 and change Chapter 5 to Chapter 4.

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 1

Page 8, Table 1-2: change Ghost to Shadow
Page 9, Table 1-3: change Green slime to Shrieker
Page 10, column 2, fifth bulleted paragraph: Insert at end of sentence: per day for each damaged ability.

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 3

Page 32, column 1 bottom half, Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells: change last sentence of this paragraph to read: Spells associated with the alignments of chaos, evil, good, and law are identified as such on the "School, Subschool and Descriptors" line of the spell description.
Page 35, column 1 top, Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells: change last sentence of this paragraph to read: Spells associated with the alignments of chaos, evil, good, and law are identified as such on the "School, Subschool and Descriptors" line of the spell description.
Page 35 paragraph 4: replace 3rd and 4th sentences with the following: It can have up to 2 Hit Dice. (While the druid is 1st level, this particular animal is loyal enough to stay with her, even though an adventuring druid usually can only maintain animal friends whose Hit Dice total up to her level.) Alternatively, the druid may have more than one animal companion provided the animals' total Hit Dice don't exceed 2.
Page 39, column 2 top: Change second sentence: There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed.
Page 39, column 2 middle: Change 2 sentences above table: Usually, a monk's unarmed strikes deal normal damage, but she can choose to deal subdual damage instead with no penalty on her attack roll. She has the same choice to deal normal or subdual damage while grappling (see Grapple, page 137).
Page 40, column 1: also, insert at end of paragraph: per day for each damaged ability.
Page 40, column 2, Perfect Self: add to end of paragraph: Unlike other outsiders, the monk can still be brought back from the dead.
Page 48, column 1, Crippling Strike: insert of temporary Strength damage
Page 50 column 1 bottom: change the example sentence to read as follows: For example, a sorcerer with a scroll or spellbook detailing an unusual sorcerer/wizard spell (one not on the wizard/sorcerer spell list in this book) could select that spell . . .
Page 51, column 2, Speak with Master paragraph: also, move this paragraph ahead of Speak with Animals of Its Type

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 4

Page 63, Alchemy, Special: insert new paragraph after first paragraph: This skill cannot be used to brew potions. (See the Brew Potion feat, page 80.)
Page 63, Alchemy, Special, last para: change so it reads: Gnomes get a +2 racial bonus on Alchemy checks because of their sensitive noses.
Page 66, column 2, table: change 15 +2/Str bonus to 15 + (2 x Str bonus)
Page 70, Innuendo, Retry: delete receiving or
Page 70, Innuendo, Special: delete (but not receive)
Page 70, Innuendo, Special: also, delete receive or
Page 70, column 2, 1st paragraph under table: add to end of paragraph: , but not the maximum distance.
Page 73, column 1, table: change note so it reads: *Dwarves (even if they are not rogues) can use Search to find traps built into or out of stone.
Page 74, Spot, Retry: insert after 1st sentence: The Dungeon Master may call for Spot checks to determine the distance at which an encounter begins.

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 5

Page 78, column 1 middle: insert new paragraph after Wands: line: Zero-level spells are considered to have a spell level of 1/2 for the purpose of this calculation.
Page 78, column 2 near bottom: add to end of Benefit paragraph: If you have the same feat more than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated otherwise in the description. In general, having a feat twice is the same as having it once.
Page 81, column 1, paragraph 3: change so it reads: Special: The Combat Reflexes feat does not allow a rogue to use his opportunist ability (page 48) more than once per round.
Page 85, Stunning Fist: insert new paragraph at end of description: Special: Attacks using Stunning Fist are in addition to any stunning attacks already possessed by a character such as a monk.
Page 85, Toughness: add to end of Special paragraph: Its effects stack.

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 7

Page 99, bottom half of table: change weight of Sword, two-bladed from 30 lb. to 15 lb.
Page 105, column 2 top: replace text of sidebar with the following: Armor for unusually big creatures, unusually little creatures, and nonhumanoid creatures has different prices and weights from those given on Table 7-5: Armor. Armor for Gargantuan and Colossal creatures must be specially made and has no standard price or weight.

Humanoid Non-Humanoid
Size Price Weight Price  Weight
Up to Tiny* x 1/2 x 1/10 x 1 x 1/10
Small x 1 x 1/2 x 2 x 1/2
Medium-size x 1 x 1 x 2 x 1
Large x 2 x 2 x 4 x 2
Huge x 4 x 5 x 8 x 5

Page 114, Table 7-9: add a line under this table: * No weight worth noting.
Page 114, Table 7-9: add a column to the right side of the Special Substances and Items table, reading as follows:

1 lb
1 lb
1 lb
1/2 lb
1 lb
4 lb
1 lb

Page 114, Spell, end of 2nd paragraph: insert suffers, plus 25 gp for the holy water, for
Page 114, Table 7-10: delete 1/4 (three places)


Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 8

Page 126, column 1: add new paragraph after 1st paragraph: Alternatively, you may make a normal unarmed attack while holding a charge. If the attack hits, the spell discharges.
Page 126, column 2 Double Move, end of 2nd paragraph: change first threatened space to second threatened space
Page 127, column 1 middle: insert you can't both move and attack unless you perform a partial charge. If an action
Page 140, column 1, Commanded: delete second paragraph (begins with Alternatively)

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 9

Page 141 column 2, Weight:, end of paragraph: Insert Carrying Loads. A medium or heavy load counts as medium or heavy armor for the purpose of abilities that are restricted by armor. Carrying a light
Page 143, Table 9-6: change carrying load numbers as follows:

101­300 to 151­450
134­400 to 231­690 (Light warhorse)
134­400 to 201­600 (Heavy horse)
174­520 to 301­900
44­130 to 76­225
51­150 to 101­300
94­280 to 231­690


Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 10

Page 147 column 2 bottom: change the last three sentences to read as follows: She chooses to have the dog materialize on the opposite side of the hobgoblin from Lidda. One round later, when Mialee is done casting the spell, the dog appears. It attacks immediately and gets a +2 bonus on its attack because it is flanking the hobgoblin. On Lidda's next turn, she makes a sneak attack against the hobgoblin and brings it down. The dog disappears at the start of Mialee's next turn because the spell that conjured it lasts only 1 round for a 1st-level caster.

Player's Handbook Errata -- Chapter 11

Page 160 column 2 middle, Control Water: Change to read Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Page 161 column 2 near bottom, Control Water: Change to read Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Page 162, column 1, Wall of Stone: change 20 hp/four levels; to Creates a stone wall that
Page 162, column 2, Elemental Swarm: change 2d4 Large, 1d4 Huge to multiple
Page 163 column 2, Wall of Stone: change 20 hp/four levels; to Creates a stone wall that
Page 163 column 2, Elemental Swarm: change 2d4 Large, 1d4 Huge to multiple (two places)
Page 165 column 1 top: move equal to your level so it reads: resistance bonus equal to your level on her next saving throw.
Page 165 column 2 top: change so it reads: For a total time per day of 1 round per your cleric level, you can act
Page 166 column 1 top, Control Water: Change to read Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Page 166 column 1, Elemental Swarm: change 2d4 Large, 1d4 Huge to multiple
Page 167 column 1, Wall of Stone: change 20 hp/four levels to Creates a stone wall that
Page 167 column 1, Elemental Swarm: change 2d4 Large, 1d4 Huge to multiple
Page 168 column 2 near bottom, Web: change 10-ft. cube/level to 20-ft.-radius spread
Page 168 column 2 bottom: insert in front of Darkness: Continual Flame. Makes a permanent, heatless torch.
Page 170 column 1, Wall of Stone: change 20 hp/four levels to Creates a stone wall that
Page 170 column 2 near top, Control Water: Change to read Raises or lowers bodies of water.
Page 173 column 1: replace Typical tasks sentence with the following: Typical tasks include attacking, coming when called, guarding a place, and protecting a character.
Page 173 column 1 middle: replace the two sentences starting with You can have with the following: At most, you can have animal friends whose Hit Dice total no more than twice your caster level (though the demands of adventuring generally restrict a character to half that number). For example, a 3rd-level druid could use this spell to win the friendship of an animal of 6 HD or less, but an adventuring druid would only be able to maintain an animal of 3 HD as a friend. An adventuring 5th-level ranger would generally be able to maintain animal friends whose HD totaled 2 or less.
Page 179 column 1 bottom half: change the sentence that begins with All the assistants to: Since the assistants' spells are cast simply to improve the caster level of the caster of the binding spell, saving throws and spell resistance against them are irrelevant.
Page 187 column 3, Contingency 1st para: change companion spell and the spell it is to bring into effect to contingency spell and the companion spell
Page 198, column 1, Doom: change The subject suffers to The subject is shaken, suffering
Page 198, column 1, Doom: delete weapon damage rolls, ability checks, skill
Page 199 column 3, Energy Drain: add to end of last paragraph: for 1 hour.
Page 200 column 1 top, Enervation: add to end of paragraph: for 1 hour.
Page 200 column 3 line 7: change perform any action to do anything
Page 200 column 3 line 13: insert end the spell by jeering and heckling. This check
Page 205 column 2 middle: insert "Attuning" to an individual usually
Page 209 column 2 middle: change The number of vermin and the HD to which they can be grown to The HD to which the vermin can be grown
Page 209 column 3, Glyph of Warding: change Duration to Permanent until discharged
Page 217 column 3, Insect Plague, Effect: change wide and up to 60 ft. high to in diameter
Page 218 column 2 top: delete Only creatures with no visible form, such as an invisible stalker, remain invisible.
Page 219 column 1 top: change Target: 5 lb. of touched wood/level to Effect: An ironwood object weighing up to 5 lb./level
Page 224 column 2 line 5: replace the sentence that begins You keep most with the following: You keep your Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, level, class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, alignment, and mental abilities. The body retains its Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, hit points, natural abilities, and automatic abilities. For example, a fish's body breathes water and a troll's body regenerates. A body with extra limbs does not allow you to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) than normal. You can't choose to activate the body's extraordinary or supernatural abilities. The creature's spells and spell-like abilities do not stay with the body.
Page 237 column 1 top: change the sentence that begins Natural abilities include armor to the following: Natural abilities include armor, natural weapons (such as claws, bite, swoop and rake, and constriction; but not petrification, breath weapons, energy drain, energy effect, etc.), and similar gross physical qualities (presence or absence of wings, number of extremities, etc.). A body with extra limbs does not allow a character to make more attacks (or more advantageous two-weapon attacks) than normal.
Page 238 column 1, Prayer: change 1st sentence of description to read: You bring special favor upon yourself and your allies while bringing disfavor to your enemies.
Page 242 column 2 near top: change the sentence that begins A character with spellcasting capacity to the following: A spellcasting creature that doesn't prepare spells (such as a sorcerer) has a 50% chance of losing any given unused spell slot as if it had been used to cast a spell, in addition to losing spell slots for losing a level.
Page 242 column 2 middle, 1st line of table: insert on any attack roll
Page 245 column 1, Remove Paralysis: change third sentence of description to read as follows: If cast on two creatures, each receives another save with a +4 resistance bonus against the effect that afflicts it.
Page 246 column 3, Rope Trick: replace all the text from You and seven others to the end of the page with the following: Creatures in the extradimensional space are hidden, beyond the reach of spells (including divinations), unless those spells work across planes. The space holds up to eight creatures (of any size). Creatures in the space can pull the rope up into the space, making the rope "disappear." In that case, the rope counts as one of the eight creatures that can fit in the space. The rope can support up to 16,000 pounds. A force greater than that can pull the rope free.
Page 247 column 1 line 6: insert rope. The window is present in the Prime Material Plane, but it's invisible, and even creatures that can see it somehow can't see through it.
Page 248 column 1, paragraph 2 under table: change The following spells can be cast through to You may cast the following spells through
Page 248 column 2, Secret Page, paragraph 2: change speaking a special word, perusing the actual page, and then returning it to its secret page form to speaking a special word. You can then peruse the actual page, and return it to its secret page form
Page 249 column 1, Sepia Snake Sigil, 1st para: Replace first two sentences with the following: When you cast sepia snake sigil, a small symbol appears in the text of one written work such as a book, scroll, or map. The text containing the symbol must be at least twenty-five words long. When anyone reads the text containing the symbol, the sepia snake springs into being and strikes the reader, provided there is line of effect between the symbol and the reader. Simply seeing the enspelled text is not sufficient to trigger the spell; the subject must deliberately read the text. (Original text resumes with The target is entitled)
Page 250 column 2 Shambler, line 2: change mounds of 11 HD. to mounds with 11 HD each.
Page 253 column 3, Soften Earth and Stone: middle of 4th paragraph: rearange to read worked stone, cavern ceilings, or vertical surfaces such as cliff faces can be affected.
Page 258 Summon Monster I, change first two paragraphs of description to read: This spell summons an outsider (extraplanar creature). It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the outsider, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.
The spell conjures one of the creatures from the 1st-level list on the Summon Monster table below. You choose which creature to summon, and you can change that choice each time you cast the spell.
Page 260 Summon Nature's Ally I: change spell description to read: This spell summons a natural creature. It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the best of its ability. If you can communicate with the creature, you can direct it not to attack, to attack particular enemies, or to perform other actions.
The spell conjures one of the creatures from the 1st-level list on the Summon Nature's Ally table below. You choose which creature to summon, and you can change that choice each time you cast the spell. All the creatures on the table are neutral unless otherwise noted.
Page 272 column 2, Whispering Wind, Duration: change to read as follows: No more than 1 hour/level or until discharged (destination is reached)

Player's Handbook Errata -- Appendix

Page 278 column 2, flank: change first sentence to read as follows: To be directly on the other side of a character who is being threatened by another character.
Page 281 column 1: insert the following text between scry and shield bonus: shaken: Mildly fearful. A shaken character suffers a -2 morale penalty on attack rolls, checks, and saving throws.