Rogue's Corner


Cost Weight
Automated footpad 30gp 1/2 lbs. 1
Climbing Irons 25gp 6 lbs. +1 circumstance bonus to climb, but 1/2 move while worn.
Dice, weighted 5gp -
Double-sided clothes 50gp 8 lbs. 1
Expandable Pole 5gp 1 lbs. 1
Gorget (plain) 10gp 5 lbs. 1
Gorget (spiked) 20gp 5 lbs. 1
Hinge-Removing Set 30gp 20 lbs. From jewelry boxes to castle doors.
Keymaking Set 40gp 12 lbs.
Leather Collar 2gp 2-3 lbs. 1
Leather Collar (decorated) 5gp 2-3 lbs. 1
Longreach tongs 20gp 5lbs. 1
Long-spoon thieves' tools (set) 70gp 3lbs. 1
Marbles (bag of 100) 8sp 3 lbs. 1/2 speed, or must make reflex save vs. DC15, fall prone on failure.  1 bag Covers 10 square feet.
Mini-Blade 1sp - +1 circumstance bonus to pick-pockets.
Mechanical Burglar (Type 1) 2,000gp 3lbs. 1
Mechanical Burglar (Type 2) 2,500gp 3lbs. 1
Mechanical Burglar (type 3) 3,000gp 3lbs. 1
Mechanical Burglar (type 4) 4,000gp 3lbs. 1
Reverse Lock 100gp 1lb. 1
Tar Makeup (25 applications) 3gp - +1 circumstance bonus to hide in dark or shadowy conditions.
Waterproofing 30gp 1lb. 1

1 Item from Song and Silence