NOTE: All files on this page are in ACE archive format. Yes, I
am aware that ZIP files are the standard, but I am also aware that ACE is a
superior compression algorithm and makes for tighter, more compact files and I'm
the one paying cash for the storage space of my domain, so smaller is a good
thing. :-). You must have a utility capable of decompressing ace
archives in order to extract any of these files. Utilities such as Winace
or Winzip can assist you in
General Utilities:
- Craft skill calculator. This Excel
template can be used to automatically make rolls and calculate the cost and
time to make an item using craft skills. Let me know if you find any
errors in the calculations performed. Note: You must enable the
Analysis Toolpak in Excel for the random function in this sheet to
work. To do this go to "Tools | Addons" and select the
Analysis Toolpaks, then click "OK".
Spell Sheets:
Now available, Spell Planning Sheets for clerics, druids, sorcerers and
wizards. All 3 sheets are in omniform format only. Omniform or
Omniform filler are required to use.
Character Sheets:
Download AD&D 3E Character Sheet, based extensively on the 'Standard'
Character sheet published by Wizards of the
- You need these fonts for
these sheets to display properly.
- Download OmniForm 4.0 Format of
Character Sheet -- a 2 page 3E character sheet. Requires Caere
Omniform 4.0 or higher. This is a new version of the file, dated
January 11, 2001. Changes from previous version include the following:
- Scrunched up the weapons section a bit, in order to add 2 more weapons
and stats to the front of the sheet.
- Added to more columns of boxes alongside skills, in order to
seperately mark class-skills for those who are multiclass.
- Added a small 'Notes:' section to the bottom of page 2.
- Added more space for custom skills at the bottom of the skills
section, and fixed some formatting errors or problems in the skills
- Marked 'class-exclusive' skills with a symbol so that no one has to
page through the books to see if a skill is not allowed.
- Added 2 more pages after the main character sheet. The first
(page 3 of the sheet) is a page for animal
companions/familiars/mounts, the second (page 4) is a notes page
for use at tracking whatever the player wants to put here. Note,
neither of these pages is actually necessary as part of the 'character
sheet' proper, they are just additions put in on request of players.