Brewfest |
Starday |
Sunday |
Moonday |
Godsday |
Waterday |
Earthday |
Freeday |
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Patchwall |
Starday |
Sunday |
Moonday |
Godsday |
Waterday |
Earthday |
Freeday |
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4th= Celene's full moon, Autumnal Equinox
* Celebration of the harvest and the arts of brewing. Very important to Wenta, Berei, Beory, and Olidammara. The Halfling, Gnomic, and Dwarven pantheons also hold this day in very high regard.
* Also known as the Feast of Wenta in some communities and is a celebrated with song, dance and offerings of the summer's harvest to the goddess Wenta for her blessings during the cold days before winter.
* Keoland and allied states celebrate with the Regal Games in Niole Dra.
4th= Luna's
new moon
18th= Luna's full moon
7th= Bellringer's Feast in All but Brotherhood and Great Kingdom lands. Everyone gathers at the largest bell in the region (usually a town hall or temple) when it is rung, then exchange treats and other baked goods. The militia also turns out in full regalia, as this festival is connected with themes of warning and preparedness. Though this day has become more festive, in some embattled lands its original purpose has completely reasserted itself, and celebrations in Nyrond are likely to be strained at best.
14th= Druidic Festival of Lammas.
18th= Wiccrhys. Originally celebrated as Samhain ("Oidche Samha"), or All Hallows Eve in Geoff, the Ulek states, and Druidic areas. The borders of the spirit world grow thin this night, so people traditionally dress as spirits and cavort all night as faeries are always depicted as doing. The hope is that true spirits will not recognize them as mortal and thus not harm them. 'Soulcakes' are begged of passerby, and some larger cities also have a great mummers' play in which everybody dies at the end but then resurrect themselves. Persons being raised from the dead on this night receive a +20% bonus to their survival rolls, but evil is also strengthened. Aside from the obvious danger of summoned fiends et. al., saves vs. spells from any evil caster are at -2.