Richfest |
Starday |
Sunday |
Moonday |
Godsday |
Waterday |
Earthday |
Freeday |
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Reaping |
Starday |
Sunday |
Moonday |
Godsday |
Waterday |
Earthday |
Freeday |
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4th= Luna's full moon, Celene's full moon, Summer Solstice
Important to all sea gods, plus Boccob, Sotillion, Llerg (Beasts) and often Kord (games).
* Sealords' Feast celebrated in coastal areas, esp. "Festival of the Blue Moon" at midweek, when Celene is full. In Greyhawk and other inland areas, Guild Days are celebrated at this time instead.
* Also known in some communities as the Feast of Sotillion in celebration of the god's victory in wresting the sun from its southern decline and bringing it back to warm Oerth and promote growth and prosperity. Celebrants use the time to enjoy the leisure of summer with picnics and family reunions. It is a time to put aside family strife and offer reconciliation, in honor of the sun own homecoming.
* Midsummer Day is consider the Holy Day of Pelor, god of sun, light, and healing. In most good or neutral places this is an official rest day, and the holiday is even respected in some evil lands like the Great Kingdom. Feasting and enjoying the sun are important activities, and it is considered a sign of respect to wear yellow somewhere on one's person. In non-evil lands, at least, those who don't are regarded with some suspicion. The weather tends to be uncannily reliable (rain is generally a sure sign of Pelor's extreme disfavour with an area), and public services are held outdoors by Pelor's priests. A public processional is followed by a free meal, and healing and comfort is provided to the needy while priests and priestesses vigorously entreat the more fortunate for alms.
* All undead are turned at +4 during Midsummer's Day. Priests of Nerull also dread this day, as they suffer a -2 on all rolls and opponents get a +2 to save vs. their spells. The bonus against undead vanishes that night, but the priests of Nerull must lie low until the next night before their curse wears off.
* Note that in the Theocracy of the Pale, this day is held to be sacred of Pholtus instead, though many of the same activities occur. Travelers are warned that celebrants all wear white instead, and yellow clothing or a yellow fabric strip pinned to one's tunic are considered blasphemous.
* Both moons are full the 4th day of Richfest, on Midsummer Night. Lycanthropes aplently, but faeries are also extremely active and Mages also report certain spell enhancements now and again. This is often the evening when spell-shows happen.
11th= Luna's
new moon
25th= Luna's full moon
25th= Sotillion's Day, know popularly as Labor Day and also, derisively, as "St. Ides" (for "Saint Idler's"). Followers will do no work and enjoy the summer. Widely popular, especially for the young and in love. As a result the full moon of this month is often referred to as the "lover's moon". PCs should be careful not to attack skulking figures or muffled noises!