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Artwork by Larry ElmoreAryan Brighthawk, the ranger, has some sound advice for those who plan to lead the life of an adventurer.  She's been patrolling the dangerous regions of the Gnarley  longer than most adventurers have been alive, and she's lived to talk about it, so heed her words.

Brighthawk's 16 Commandments

Useful Advice For the Adventuring Party


1.Take Elementary Precautions:


b.Sufficient Mounts and pack animals.

c.Spell Books

d.A well-rounded party

2.Be Careful Whom you trust:

a.Hopefully you trust the rest of the party.

b.Be suspicious of strangers, no matter how harmless they appear. (Do NOT however, be paranoid!)

c.        Always remember that people can, and do, lie.

3.        Gather Information:

a.        Remember that he who jumps in head first is likely to come out feet first.

b.       A few coins given to the barkeep or local sage may give you that bit of knowledge that saves your life.

c.        KNOWLEDGE is a greater power than any weapon.

4.        Keep notes:

a.        Information forgotten may spell your death…don't expect the DM to remind you of something you should be able to remember.  After all, the DM is keeping notes and doing a lot of other work for your enjoyment.  Don't expect him to keep YOUR notes, too!.

b.       Even seemingly unimportant details may be important.  However, don't try to write down obviously useless details.

5.        Provide for Escape

a.        NO adventuring party is invincible.

b.       If provisions have been made for retreat, your changes of survival have doubled!

c.        Never, Never, NEVER flee into unknown areas!!!

6.        Bring Proper Equipment:

a.        Make a list and check it twice.

b.       Do not be overzealous and try to bring everything you can think of that 'might' be useful.  You will overburden yourself.

7.        Provide Adequate security for camps:

a.        Set watches

b.       Caltrops, bear traps, etc.

c.        Avoid making fires when in the open, though they may keep some wild animals at bay, fires will attract the more intelligent monsters.  Lets see…Bears…Dragons…hmmm…which are scarier?  ;)

d.       Always be prepared to quickly make a fire (i.e. dry wood, covered but-still-burning coals) in case the bears do show up.

e.        If possible, set up alarm systems (magic mouths, pots & pans, etc.).


II.                   Battles

8.        Avoid Mental Passivity:

a.        Always look for the easiest way to defeat an enemy.

b.       Do not be afraid to flee…and do it before it is too late.  (1 hp is usually too late!)

c.        Avoid the dreaded disease of "hackitus."  The mind is the mightiest weapon.  Rest assured, the DM is going to have your enemies using theirs.

9.        Coordinate efforts:

a.        Keep actions coordinated; PLAN!

b.       NEVER split up the party under normal circumstances, it weakens the party and increases the risk of fatalities.

c.        Reserve powerful spells for emergencies if possible.

10.     Concentrate Attacks:

a.        The faster they fall, the less risk to thee and thine.

b.       Taking the enemy out fast also tends to severely weaken the morale of the enemies left standing.

11.     DON'T get cocky!:

a.        You cannot beat everyone & everything which crosses your path.  Learn when it is necessary to avoid a fight.

b.       Devise effective methods of flight.

12.     Make Lists if needed:

a.        Needed equipment.

b.       Questions which need answers.

c.        Precautions to take

d.       Safety checks

e.        Etc.

13.     Other Precautions:

a.        Beware of regenerating opponents.

b.       Remove curse on all those who are killed by undead or lycanthropes…in the case of lycanthropes, by wary of those that so much as breathed on by one!


III.                 When its over

14.     Beware of enemies:

a.        You may have made enemies that you are unaware of.

b.       Remember all those who escape in melee.

15.     Search for hidden treasures:

a.        Just how many people do you know who leave their money lying around in the open for all eyes to see?

b.       Old Coins may be worth more!

c.        Copper plated platinum??? You never know….

16.     Examine Unusual items:

a.        May be cursed or magic

b.       Contact poison! Traps, etc.


Party Rules

(merely suggestions, individual parties need not follow these great words of wisdom)

1.        Stick together.  (ever here of safety in numbers?)

2.        Protect the spellcasters.  Maintain your position in the marching order until you are absolutely CERTAIN no attack is coming from your direction.

3.        Keep a few hole cards.  Never let your opponent know all your strengths or all your knowledge.

4.        Use unidentified magical items only in desperate situations.

5.        Use renewable resources (i.e. spells) before limited use items (i.e. potions, scrolls, wands, etc.)

6.        Done search for treasure until AFTER the perimeter is secure.

7.        Always, Always, ALWAYS post a guard.

8.        Squabble in a safe place if you really MUST squabble at all.  When in the wilderness, do not endanger the party by fighting or arguing.

9.        Killing defenseless enemies when outside of local law enforcement range is NOT an evil act; it is justice, as well as being sound policy  (We don't have POW camp!)  Now…killing the children of the enemy…that's a more sticky dilemma.

10.     Never assume that you know anything!


All original material on this website is © Copyright 2000, 2001, Shawn A. Chesak.

 Much of the background music on the pages of this site was composed by Bjorn Lynne.

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